Thank You~

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Hatsu here. I want to say thank you for reading Mr. Badass Assassin to the end. I start this book in 2019 and finally end in 2022. 

What a long journey we have right?

I feel thankful and also apologized for taking the time to update. I almost give up when writing it but with your guys' support, everything is going well.

 I almost give up when writing it but with your guys' support, everything is going well

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This is the extra story of Saitama and Genos(Found on Pinterest)

Tatsumaki beach outfit is so adorable~ (Also found on Pinterest)

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Tatsumaki beach outfit is so adorable~ (Also found on Pinterest)

This is the end, see you next time everyone.


MR.Badass Assasin(One Punch Man X Male Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora