Unbreakable Trio 1

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     "Here we are!" Y/N arrived in front of the building that has been addressed by the scientist girl. He did not go alone because Amanda and Wolf were with him.

   "Say again why I'm here and have to go with you?" Wolf said to Y/N. "Well...just what I said I been hire to take down this crazy man." Y/N said. "Yes, but why you need us? You can just do it alone right?" Wolf asks.

     Amanda looks at Wolf "Wolf darling, we talk about Y/N here." Wolf confused about what Amanda tried to say. Amanda can just sigh with that reaction. "Do you believe this Lazycat do this mission alone?" Wolf just stare at her. Amanda continue what she trying to say. "Our Y/N here is tooooo lazy. That's why he asks our help and he doesn't mind to share his payment to us." Wolf finally understand it "So you say yes because he will share his payment?" Amanda nods. "What payment that girl gives by the way." Y/N and Amanda grinned widely when hearing that question. Amanda shows a black credit card proudly. "Black card?" "Not just black card darling, it's VIP card that being used by rich people and very rare to find in Japan!" Amanda spins around happily while looking at the black card. "Of course...I forgot about how obsessed you with money." Wolf said 'No wonder people who work with Y/N just agree fast.' Wolf thought.

    "How about you?" Y/N open his jacket to shows 6 green balls grow brightly. Wolf slammed his face for the Y/N answer. "Since when you get addicted to nuclear?" Wolf said defeatedly. "She smarts... very smartly, she knows what I want. But I promise it's not dangerous, just can explode and turn some creature become mutant." Y/N laughs awkwardly at Wolf. "There's no nuclear that not dangerous...and how can you say like it normal !" Y/N can just smile, looking away from Wolf's eyes. 

      "Anyway! let's go inside and greet this crazy scientist. Shall we Miss Red Riding Hood?" Y/N gives his hand at Amanda and looks at her to just play along with him. Amanda saw that desperate eyes and she also want to run away from her fiance so she accepts it. "Thank you, Mr. Badass Assassin." Amanda grabs Y/N's hands "Let's run away from the grumpy wolf." They said unison walk forward not looking their back. "I meet two insane people. Yeah, the craziest people." Wolf mumble alone and walk inside. They don't know someone watching them enter the building with CCTV.
-Heya, I'm still alive!!-
-Sorry if this too short-
-But I will came back around December!!!-
-Sorry if grammar wrong. LOL-


MR.Badass Assasin(One Punch Man X Male Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें