(12) The way i feel inside

Start from the beginning

I asked her to feed me a brownie but she had to argue first before she did, she never backs down easy. I stared at her while she was enjoying the brownies.

I promise ill never get tired of you sowon, ill make sure you'll fall in love with me again just like how youre supposed to.


Its been 3 weeks and 4 days now since ive been with sowon. Were okay now, shes not as awkward like she used to. She lets me tag along with her and lets me come over her house almost everyday. I cook her meals when im with her or order her food, i help her with ttalgi when she's busy.

I came to her house but she wasnt there, she said she went grocery shopping. I wanted to follow her there but she insisted i stay so i did. I started to clean up since she might take a while. An hour later i heard a knock on the door. I was surprised to see an old lady.

"May i help you?" Her eyes widen.

"Im sure she didnt move out and this is her apartment. This is Jung Sowon's place right?"

"Yes, do you know her?"

"Ahhh, yes im her grandmother." She smiled.

"Oh please come in." She walked in and sat on the sofa.

I gave her a glass of water.

"Im sorry, i didnt know." I bowed.

"Who are you?"

"Im lee minho. Im sowon's boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? Are you sure?" I nodded, She looked so surprise. "Sit down." I sat across from her. "How long have you two been dating?"

I cant tell her that weve been dating for a long time now, its more than a year.

(A/N: dont be confused in chan and minho's mind they've been dating the two for a long time when there isn't such a thing.)

"Its gonna be a month now." I lied, sowon probably didnt tell her.

"That child doesnt tell me anything anymore." She mumbled.

"She went to get groceries, she'll be back soon."

"Do you stay here?"

"No-no, i just always visit her." Phew.. good thing sowon didnt let me live here.

"You must be a good one." I tilt my head in confusion. "My sowonniee is really picky when it comes to boys. And she isnt an easy girl to begin with, you mustve had long patience?" She smiled.

"I cant say im a good one but i sure am patient with her." I chuckled.

"Youre her boyfriend now, it means youve surpassed the hard shell. She must be so clingy?"

"Our relationship is not that type." I rub my nape.

"Oh you two are still like best friends?"

"Yes, im the one sided best friend type and she's the oblivious best friend type." I managed to let out a laugh.

"Im positive she'll warm up to you in no time, she's still afraid i suppose."

"Afraid of what?"

"Sowonniee, she's the sweetest girl when she was young. Always staying with me, helping out her mom and listening to her sister. She was really close with her dad, always following him around since he spoils her. But as she grew older that sweetness became less and to her father nothing." She drank water and continued. "When she was in high school her dad had a secret affair, her mom found out about it and he stopped. Her dad was kicked out of the house for almost a year. Sowon watched her mother suffer alone and her hero was nowhere to be found. In her last year in high school her dad tried his hardest to earn their trust again and he stayed true and loyal, eventually he moved back in. Sowon didnt take it good, when she had the opportunity to leave she grabbed it with both hands. She barely talks about herself when she became a college girl, every time i would visit she would avoid the topic, and when she visited us it was only for a short time not even enough to talk about one semester."

"Does she hate her dad?"

"Hate is a strong word, she did forgave him but to trust him was a different matter and so she drifted away from her father. If you saw how happy she was when she was with him, you can imagine just how hurt she has been." She smiled sadly.

"I understand now, thank you for telling me."

"Make our sowon happy and be the girl she once was. Im sorry if it seems im pressuring you." She smiled at me.

"Its my job to make her happy."

"Make her feel your love and that youre there for her. I believe that you are someone really special to her, since she let you in. Also speaking litterally." She chuckled.

We hear her come in just in time our conversation ended. She spoke as soon as she came in putting down the groceries. The both of them were somehow alike.

"So this handsome child is your boyfriend?" She looked at me and back at her grandma.
"Why arent you answering?" I looked away since it was a bit awkward.

"Isnt it obvious grandma?" I cant say that im not hurt that she didnt even say the word or confirmed it. I couldnt stay put and show her my emotions so i leave the both of them to talk. They must be talking about me since theyre both looking at me so i just smiled.

"He is kind, he's really understanding." I heard sowon, at least she appreciates me. The day continued and i got close to her grandma, i got to see a different side of her. I saw how she can get childish, clingy and sweet. A side that she never shows me.

She says she tells her grandma everything back then, though she runs to inha she doesnt open up truly.

"You can always open up to me." I took her
hand. She just nodded.

"I care about you sowon, more than you will ever know."

The look of doubt was both on our faces.

"I know and i really appreciate it."

Will that day ever come? When she willingly runs into my arms and tell me all thats inside of her head. Will she ever be mine? Cant forget that she still calls me lee know.

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