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Author's note...

If you happen to get tripped by this book along your wattpad journey, please give it a chance to be read. This is very close to my heart and soul as it is my very first book here on wattpad. There will be mistakes; I would say, lots of mistakes along the way so I will be needing your full support. I am open to comments and corrections as I would love to make this work run its course into progress. There will be a lot of twists especially humour and heartbreaks but I will aim to keep this as a light hearted story so please add this to your reading list and vote for it.
I would love to remind you beforehand that this will be having a slow update since I am a first time mom to my 2year-old toddler who is really enjoying so much the so-called "terrible two" stage so I've got a lot to cope up. I am hoping that you will enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoy writing it.
And lastly, this book is completely fictitious. All the characters, events, and places are woven originally from my imagination so if ever there are some parts in this book which has any resemblance to a certain event or a true story, well, it is purely coincidental.



"What's this?! Are you fucking kidding me?!"

James in his thunderous tone was an obvious show of a solid beast mode. The poor guy standing before him couldn't adequately comprehend the gravity of his infuriated look. The untold reasons were giving the guy more tendencies to feel befuddled but surely he cannot let it be known to his superior especially when their proximity is thickly determined. He expected something out of his thickset demeanor from the unforseen confrontation but he believed afterwards that he will never get any. The man scowling right in his face is someone who do not repeat himself more than once and do not care to grant any clue-- so better be quick to postulate a sure ball ground-- of what went wrong that made him deranged. Needless to say, he's someone you would not dare wish to mess with or else you will be needing the angels of heaven to hide and spare you from his wrath. His heart is stone cold and his disagreeable attitude, given unstirred, is foreseen to likely get a vituperative outburst right at any moment.

So despite the nearly yet silently protruding panic to the man's soul, he chose to defend his work being under question.

"Mr. Anderson, sir... I... I don't s-see anything w-wrong with t-the work I s-submitted..."

His hands started sweating.

"Do you think so, Mr. Feld?? Do you have any idea how shallow it appears to me? Look, leave my office immediately and do not return unless you bring your report the way I wanted it to be or else you can never come back in my firm. I can easily have other prospect in your position."

The guy named Mr. Feld had almost suspended his breath for a relatively long seconds upon hearing James' menacing words. He felt doomed. This company had saved him from eviction and destitution not so long ago, when James' father was still the head of the company. He needed to stay in his job. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity and he cannot afford to let it swift in his palm. He had to do something to keep steady under the roof. Everything he does would have been satisfactory had not the old Anderson left his rank to his son. The last-mentioned was an over pedantic being and pleasing him is next to impossible.

Rather than insisting and bringing to fore his own defense, he chose to preserve the opportunity of remaining under James' dominance in exchange of his constant remuneration.

"Y-yes sir... I will s-surely do as you w-wish."

He turned around and walked off swiftly. Leaving his office and aiming to go back straight in his room is the safest way out from the given moment. His action was decided, keeping his feet firm on the floor to avoid getting tripped caused by the elevated intensity of his alarmed profile. He approached the door without turning his head in fear of meeting the boss' flaming glare. The door knob was almost an inch grip away from his fingertips when James added an alarming litany.

"I am giving you an hour to finish and change that rubbish in your hands into something valuable. Do I make myself clear?"

The guy with so much fright bowed his head and immediately left as fast as he could.

What a poor man!


CHAPTER 1 - The Billionaire's Heir

James' POV...

These past few days things were getting exceedingly taxing. My parents were really kind of serious in handling me down our family business and properties. Honestly, I am honoured being the one taking in charge of expanding the assets but the responsibilities affiliated were overwhelming. I am twenty-five years old but damn it! I feel I'm in my senior than my actual age. These responsibilities I am coping with everyday were no fucking jokes but my parents tossed a very high regard to my capabilities and I cannot displease them. I have already set a foot on this so it's now or never.

Given that I have learned so much in life since the time I placed myself next to my father's shadow, they wanted me to get into things seriously. I admire them both especially my father. He was a man of sagacity. No wonder his teachings had required almost little to no discomfort. He taught me how to live in the world of wealth and fame where perfection is always in its highest peak of attainment. He coached me how to play along with rivals who had nothing in mind but to wish for my father's downfall. If you were thinking about him as a fierce tycoon, well, he is but not in a pejorative way. His personal approaches in putting down his competitors are drawn from his upright virtue. He is a man supported by professional ethics and his stand on this will never tarnish despite knowing how filthy a venture can get. It is, indeed, his golden principle and it will always remain in the highest hierarchy. In effect, it has helped him reach the pinnacle of success which is, up-to-date, the pillar of what our family possesses.

Although my father was my ultimate private mentor, I had gone from various and prestigious universities-- of course, not without my parents' aide-- to study further and have a better understanding about the arduous art of unraveling and surviving against the shits along the business world. Yes... I am a billionaire's heir. The title is way too heavy but don't get me wrong because I am loving so much the perks of being one.

I am known by many as a heartless divo-- that I can act and make my own play however I wanted things roll upon my palm for the benefits of my own cogent ego; that I build my own stage according to my own understanding of perfection but they had gotten the wrong ethical presupposition of my individuality. I have a heart. It just doesn't like to leave his place for quite some time... in a warpath. It involuntarily ceases any inclination of putting me to focus my precious attention to vulnerability behind closed door. I even don't approve any of that emotion to flood over me because that is a confrontational course of action only a coward man choose to accept tacitly.

I was in deep thoughts when I heard the phone ringing.

"Yes, Mr. James Anderson speak-..."

I was cut short by suddenly realizing the voice on the other line.

"Hey, Elliana! How are you? ...yeah! You're absolutely right! Like I'm going to start plucking grey hairs... no... I don't think so... hmmm.. we'll, why not surprise them? Right... haven't heard about him... Maybe, after settling these things I'm taking over... okay... so, see you soon! Take care! Bye!"

That girl over the phone? That was my elder sister. She is the sweetest I've got in the family. When everybody else is serious on a certain matter, she's the one who knows how to pull the lighter side. When my mother, at times, gets uncommonly annoying making fuss about minor issues that concerns my whereabouts, Elliana is my saving grace. With her, I can confide everything but not for the one thing I am not ready to share just yet... maybe, one day but not very soon.

If you're itching to know what ticks my mother about me then you should listen now because I'm going to tell you that it is something I am rather proud of and I don't see it a problem. Being the subject of attraction among my opposite gender is an endowed gift from heaven so it's just fair to make good use of that gift, right? Well honestly, it is a reputation I must keep unruined but don't take it the wrong way. I am referring to women who come to my feet so willingly and later depart without any regression. It is never an issue and will never be. It is usually a part of whatever business deal laid before me that I don't need to exert thinking twice. I just grab and go wow.

And that is what I consider one of the perks of being a billionaire. You can't get enough of any.

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