Chapter 24: Way Back Home

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Sana is zooming down the open road to Tzuyu's house. It's the first time they are in the same car and she's the driver, there's always time for a change. She glances over to check on the sleeping girl and sees her still in a deep slumber. It's nearly 1 in the morning but her sleepiness is no longer there thanks to the thumping music in the club and Tzuyu's fall on her. She puts on a soft song on the radio and starts humming, enjoying a peaceful drive. Suddenly, Tzuyu reaches over and taps on her arm urgently. Tzuyu is holding her free hand over her mouth and turning away from Sana. "What is it, Tzuyu?"

"Stop the car, sto-" Tzuyu claps her hand on her mouth again. Sana slams on the brake and pulls over to a park. Tzuyu quickly opens the door and runs out to a nearby tree and Sana runs out to check on her. Sana immediately grimaces when she realizes that Tzuyu is vomiting on the tree. The tall girl is coughing furiously so Sana pats her back lightly while reaching for some water in the car. After a couple minutes, Tzuyu seems to recover a bit so they both sit down on the sidewalk next to the car. Sana hands Tzuyu the bottle.

"Thank you and sorry." Tzuyu mutters while rubbing her stomach.

"Eh? What are you saying sorry for?" Sana rubs down Tzuyu's back lightly.

"Thanks for picking me up and sorry for letting you see all that and for falling on you in the club." Sana chuckles at the memory and pats Tzuyu's head.

"That's alright. It's kinda funny when I think of it."

"How are the others?"

"Momo is now probably dealing with a raging Mina, Rosie is with Lisa and Nayeon is with Jeongyeon." Tzuyu nods and sips her water when her stomach grumbles loudly. Sana laughs at the sound making Tzuyu blushes slightly. "Sorry, I didn't eat anything tonight."

"What? You pabo, so you did nothing but drinking tonight? No wonder you throw up." Sana checks her watch and looks around, an idea pops into her head. "Come on, I know a place, they probably still open at this hour, it's nearby."

After a few minutes, they arrive at a food stall in a small alley. Tzuyu takes a seat at one of the steel tables while Sana goes to order their food. "The soup here is heaven, I promise. I figure you'd love this since your stomach is not well. Do you have a headache? I'll go grab some aspirins in the car."

"No, it's fine. I'm just hungry mostly, I feel a lot better after throwing up. Remind me to never drink that much again." The owner comes by with two bowls of steaming hot soup, the aroma is exactly what Sana says, heavenly. Tzuyu basically devours the bowl within less than 2 minutes while Sana is still adding peppers.

"Yah! Slow down, the soup is hot. You really are hungry, aren't you?" Sana hands Tzuyu some tissues to wipe her mouth.

Tzuyu swallows the remaining soup in her mouth and puts her bowl down. "Thanks. The soup really is delicious."

"You want another bowl?"

"Sure." Sana smiles and turns around. "Uncle? Can we have another bowl, thank you."

"Here you go, Sana. Enjoy." The owner gives Sana the bowl with a warm smile.

"Eat slowly this time. It would be very silly to choke on soup of all things." Sana jokes resulting in her receiving a glare from Tzuyu.

"Why did uncle know your name?" Tzuyu asks.

"Umm, my family has been eating here for a long time. Ever since we moved here to be exact, our old house isn't too far from here. He can probably name all the schools I went to. Say, let's not talk about this. Did you have fun at the club?"

"Yeah, it's chaotic as hell. Well, it's Nayeon and Momo we're talking about, they know how to have a good time. Did Mina call you to come with?"

"Yeah, I was about to go to sleep and she told me she needed me to help her pick you and Momo up at a club. She wasn't pleased though, Jeongyeon interrupted her beauty sleep."

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