Chapter 10: Chasing Pavements

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The next day, Momo asks Rosie and Nayeon to wait for Tzuyu with her at the front gate. It's only 10 minutes until classes start and Tzuyu still hasn't arrived. Rosie frantically asks. "Where is she? Is she alright? Should we go find her?"

"We don't know where her house is anyway and she always walks to school, just wait for little while. Why doesn't she pick up her phone?" Momo is holding her phone to her ear, still trying to reach Tzuyu.

"Maybe she wants to take a day off? I mean after yesterday, I would completely understand." Nayeon suggests.

"She told me she wanted to save her days off in case she got sick, we have a limit every semester, remember? She'll will come, just wait." Momo nervously glances back and forth.

"There she is!" Rosie hastily points across the street. Tzuyu is wearing a bucket hat, her hair looks like a mess with dark circles around her eyes. She is clutching are cup of coffee while walking towards the school.

Her three friends immediately runs to her. Nayeon starts combing Tzuyu's hair, Momo is checking Tzuyu's face and Rosie is attacking her with questions. "Have you eaten? How are you feeling? Do you need to skip class?"

"I'm okay, guys. I just can't get enough sleep last night. I stopped by to get a coffee to stay awake." Tzuyu utters. "Let's just go to class or we'll be late."

On the way to class, they run into Jihyo who is doing some paperwork at the student council office. "Hi guys, why are you guys still here?" Jihyo asks.

"We were waiting for Tzuyu, we're going back to class now, we won't be late, don't worry." Rosie assures.

Momo suddenly comes up with an idea. "I know what will help Tzuyu. How about a sleepover? My place."

"Well sure, that will be fun, I'll bring some food and movies, it will help take your mind off other things. Jihyo, do you wanna join us, I think Tzuyu would love to have you there." Rosie suggests and turns to Jihyo. Tzuyu nods slowly.

Jihyo seems to sense that Tzuyu needed some help. "Sure, I don't have anything to do tonight. I'll join you."

Later, after class, the five girls pile into Momo's car and prepare for the sleepover. "Stop here Momo, I need to get one extra thing." Nayeon steps out of the car and walks to the convenient store. Jihyo turns to Tzuyu. "Something happened?" Tzuyu just simply nods. Momo turns around and whispers into Jihyo's ear. Jihyo then nods grimly and puts her hand on Tzuyu's and gives it a light squeeze.

Nayeon comes back with a bag full of potato chips and marshmallows. "Let's get the party started." The rest of the car ride is full of laughter and jokes, Tzuyu feels grateful that her friends are supportive and trying their hardest to cheer her up.

"Hi Mom, Dad. I'm home." Momo leads the girls into her house. Mrs. Hirai immediately rushes out and hugs her daughter. "How's my little peach doing, did you have a good day?"

"Mom, we talked about this, I have friends over." Momo pinches the bridge of her nose while the other girls chuckle.

"Hello, Mrs. Hirai, I hope there's not too much trouble." Jihyo holds out her hand to greet Momo's mom and the other girls follow suit.

"Momo has already texted me, Dad is preparing the guest room for you girls, it's important that you have fun." Mrs. Hirai smiles warmly and shakes the girls' hands.

"The rooms are ready. Have you girls eaten anything yet?" Mr. Hirai comes down from upstairs and hugs Momo.

"No we haven't but we have bought some things here." Momo shows her parents the bags.

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