Telling the truth

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When we reached the elevator the girls looked confused as Seulgi and i shared a glance and immediately knew what the other wanted to say.

Something is going on and we need to figure it out.

Joy's P.O.V

We reached our dorm safe and sound, Irene said that she had already texted manager oppa saying that we were safely reach our dorm.

But that wasn't something i was worried or curious about, what i wanted to know was why Suga oppa had held Wendy unnie's arm. 

Suga oppa had a somewhat worried look on his face while Wendy unnie's head was hung low as they both stood their frozen.

Making things even more suspicious Irene unnie had immediately headed their way looking stressed. She quickly pulled Wendy unnie by the arm and both headed our way.

But what confused and surprised us the most was the fact that she Wendy unnie had tears in her eyes.

Yeri and I shared a confused and worried glace as the two girls entered the elevator.

No one talked the whole ride and tension filled up the tiny space.

'Wan-ah, we need to talk" said Irene unnie breaking my train of thought.

"Talk about what?" unnie answered looking innocent.

Ahh when will this unnie change?

"You know what and you can't lie this time" Seulgi answered as Wendy unnie 

"Don't try to escape this situation unnie, you need to tell us whats going between you and Suga oppa" Yeri said looking frustrated.

"Nothing going between us, seriously" She said smiling.

Pufft what a bluf, i forgot how good she is at hiding her emotions.

"You don't  expect us to think that after all that happened in van and near the elevator."Irene unnie said looking super scary and serious.

In the van? What happened in the van?

"Something went in my eye" Wendy unnie said, her head hung low.

"Seriously? Wan-ah just tell us. We are your members, your second family, you can trust us, please just tell us what happened" Irene unnir said with a tone of desperation in her voice. 

She was worried, we all were and if Wendy unnie still won't tell us then what could we do?

"I know you guys are my members and i trust wholeheartedly but this is my mess and i don't you guys getting involved" 

"I don't care what you say or think but Son Seungwan if you don't tell us whats wrong right at this moment things aren't going to end well" Irene unnie said in a scary tone that made shivers run down my spine.

Wendy unnie signed deeply before she spoke 'Yoongi and i... We used to date" She said but to be honest none of us were really truly shocked at the news.

It was pretty obvious if you ask me.

"Used to date? So that means you guys broke up?" i asked as she hesitantly nodded.

The whole room went silent no one knew what say or what to ask. Words and questions were stuck in my throat but i couldn't seem to get them out of my mouth.\

"We dated way back in 2013 when BTS had just debuted and i hadn't joined SM. We were together for nearly a year before we broke up and i moved to Busan."Wendy unnie continued as we all looked at her, curious out of our minds.

"Why did you guys break up?" Yeri asked in nearly a whisper but everyone heard her.

"He... only dated me because of a bet' She said as my eyes grew wide in shock.

'His friends had told him that if he was able to make me fall in love with him then he'd win a bunch of money and you all know that he wasn't the most rich person back then. He accepted the challenge and we dated for nearly a year when one his many highschool fans showed me a recording of the guys making the bet. I broke up with him the next day and we haven't seen each other since then... well until now that is" 

She continued her story in more detail and by the end of it all of us were enraged "How could that little bitch do that to you?" Seulgi said not minding the fact that she was insulting her sunbae.

"I can't believe at one point i really liked that guy" Yeri said in shear anger.

"Wan-ah, how are you feeling?" Irene the most calm out of all of us, asked as Wendy kept her head low.

"Well seeing as he just tried to talk to me... I wanna stay away from him" She said and we all had no arguments.

After that story no way am i letting that man touch my unnie again, and i don't care if he's my sunbae or if he's older than, he messed with the wrong girl.

"Don't worry unnie, we won't let that man anywhere near you. I don't care if he's older than me, he messed with my unnie no way am i letting that pass" Yeri said as we all nodded in agreement.

'You guys are the best" Wendy unnie said as we had a group hug.

Lets see you get past us "sunbae".

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