Night Twenty-One

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Night Twenty-One:

I hadn't really looked at the dress Nae left for me. I never really had an excuse to look at it, or a reason. However, the next day, since classes were out, as soon as I woke up, I head straight for the closet where the dress was, and opened it.

It was a pretty dress. It was knee length, and a light blue color with the same colored sash tied around the center. Blue ruffles around the top, and on the hem of the dress. It had black high heeled shoes that looked almost impossible to walk in. It was pretty.

I touched the dress, pulling slightly at the bottom half with a smile when there was a knock on the door. I turned my head, sighing slightly, and then closed the closet. I opened the door to, not much surprise really, see Yuki standing there looking a bit nervous.

"Um, Yuki?" I shuffled my feet slightly, looking over my shoulder, and then looked at her."Is there something you wanted to talk about?" I could guess what she wanted to talk about, but I wasn't so sure I wanted to talk about. Yuki looked at me, and then around me.

"Do you mind if I come in?" I sighed, and stepped aside.

"No. Come on in." I resigned with a slight eye roll.

Yuki smiled slightly, and then stepped into the room. She looked around, and then smiled at me as I closed the door. Her hand touched her neck, which I guess she had made sure to cleverly hide her neck wound. I sighed, and looked down at my feet with a concentrated frown.

"Listen, about last night-"

"There's nothing to talk about. Zero's a vampire. You let him drink from you. It's as simple as that, and there is nothing to talk about." I spoke fast, looking back at her with a sharp expression. Yuki sighed, shifting the weight on her hips. Again, I looked away.

"I just wanted to make sure there was nothing strange between us, and between you and Zero." She spoke softly. I looked at her with surprise. My heart clenched at the sad expression, and I sighed as I looked away.

"Like I said, there is nothing to talk about, and even if there was, it wouldn't matter. I'm leaving." Yuki sucked her breath in, and I immediately looked at her with an eyebrow raised." You and Zero are both the Headmasters children, and you're telling me, you honestly had no idea?"

"No, it's not that I didn't know. Me and Zero both know. I was just hoping..." Her voice trailed off, and I sighed again.

"There's nothing to talk about." I repeated, scowling. Yuki nodded slightly, and then touched her arm.

"There's no bad blood?" I laughed slightly, and shook my head.

"No. We're good. Is Zero...Is he ok?" Yuki nodded, grinning.

"Yeah. He's fine." I couldn't explain the relief I felt at Yuki's words.

"I'm going to get a shower, and change." I said after a few minutes. Yuki seemed to take the hint that I wanted to be alone as she smiled again, and nodded.

"Right. Well, see ya!" I nodded, watching as she left through the room.


I wasn't sure what I was doing there. I couldn't exactly imagine any reason for me to visit the Headmaster's dorm with Yuki. She had come to me shortly after we parted, and asked if I wanted to check on Zero myself with her. I wasn't sure why she would ask me that, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to visit the Boy's Dorms. But then she told me that he was resting in the Headmaster's private quarters, and I wasn't sure what made me say yes. So, I was with Yuki, walking in awkward silence.

As we got closer to the dorms, I suddenly felt very...Scared, and I wasn't sure why that was either.

"Well, we're here." She smiled nervously at me. I just nodded slightly, my lips set in a thin line.

Yuki sighed again, and then opened the door. She walked in, and then looked behind her to look at me with a smile. I let out a shaky breath, and then followed after her.

I looked around the Headmaster's private room without taking anything in. Zero was sleeping on the red velvety couch, a shawl thrown over him. He slept with his face facing the couch cushion.

"Is...Is he ok?" I asked softly, clenching the hem of my jacket. Yuki looked at me, and nodded.

"He's just sleeping in." I nodded, looking back at Zero, biting at my own lips.

We walked closer to Zero. Once we were just about a foot away, Yuki reached out, and gently touched his shoulder. Zero groaned slightly, and rolled over, facing us with a slight glare. Then, as his mind seemed to clear up, he looked surprised to see me standing there. He half sat up, and looked at me with a questioning expression. I gripped my arm, and smiled at him.

"I...I was worried how you were doing, so Yuki offered to take me here to see you." I explained. Zero nodded. I noticed there was still some slight redness around the iris of his eyes, but tried my best ignore it. The redness disappeared just seconds later, and he nodded.

"I'm fine. To be honest, I'm more worried about you. Last night, you avoided us, and then I hear you're-"

"My leaving has nothing to do with what happened last night. I made my mind up a few weeks ago, and I think what I needed to know has been satisfied. I can leave after tomorrow during the break, so...It really has nothing to do with Yuki, or...Or you." Zero nodded, looking down at the floor, hiding his expression. I wanted to reach out, but my muscles tensed up, preventing me from doing so. I just stood there like some moron as I waited for someone to say anything at all.

"Zero, are...are you-"

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me." He looked back at me with a slight nod of his head."You just worry about yourself." His violet eyes glanced over at Yuki." And you too, Yuki. Please, just leave me alone now. I'm really tired." I nodded, taking a step back. I only walked out when Yuki walked out of the room.


The rest of the day, my mind was on Zero. I couldn't help but to worry about him. He just didn't seem like himself, and that had me worried. My only hope was that he would be well enough, and would show up for the Disciplinary duties, but even that didn't happen. He was absent when I made it, and he didn't show up at all during the night.

"Zero just needs some rest. Don't you worry Sakika." Yuki told me with a bright smile as we walked towards the Headmaster's office to give our report for the night. I smiled tight-lipped at Yuki, and nodded slightly.

"I know." I replied quickly. Sometimes, Yuki's child like demeanor was nice, and other times, like now, it was just flat out annoying.

"I'm worried too, ya know, but...Zero is gonna be ok. You know that , right?" I sighed, shaking my head.

"I know that." I muttered,resisting the urge to roll my eyes.

"Alright." Yuki patted my shoulder. I was just happy that this day was going to be over, and done with. It could not have come fast enough. I just wanted to go to bed, and forget my day's worries.

The report went as usual, and they Headmaster let us go with a bright smile, and wishing us a good night sleep. I couldn't be happier as I crawled into bed, and quickly found sleep.

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