Night Thirteen

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Night Thirteen:

The next day, I woke up feeling very groggy with no memory of what had taken place after I had entered back into my room. I knew something had happened, but I just couldn't put my finger on what that something could possibly be. I had planned on staying in bed the rest of the day, I was feeling dizzy, but Yuuki had come into my room early in the morning to tell me some news that made me rather happy.

"Nae has moved to another school because her father had gotten a job somewhere else, so you'll have your own room the entire rest of the year!"

"Is someone coming for her stuff?" As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I wanted to slap myself with how stupid it sounded. Yuuki gave me a look that echoed my own thoughts for a moment, and then slowly nodded.

"Of course. Her parents will be later this evening. Are you feeling alright?" I blushed, and looked away. My neck itched, but I ignored it. I glanced at Yuuki to see her staring straight at my neck.

"What?" I asked irritated. She gave me a very serious look that I hadn't seen from her before that moment. I had to admit, it kinda scared me a bit.

"What happened after you came in here?" She asked, again casting a look at my neck. It began to itch even more, so i put my hands around the area in hopes to sooth it, but it was at that moment that I felt what she had been staring at. Two perfectly made puncture wounds from a vampire's teeth.

I looked back at Yuuki, eyebrows together in an almost scowling way, when all I was trying to do was remember what had happened to me. Nothing came to mind though, and I had to force myself to relax my expression so it didn't look like I was getting defensive.

"I'm sorry, but I really don't know. All I remember is coming up here, and changing. I must have fallen asleep afterwards or something." I knew she didn't believe me from her expression. I guess I wouldn't believe myself if I were in her shoes.

"You know the rules. Drinking blood is strictly prohibited. Please, if you know who did it. If you at least give a description, tell me so we can find who did it, and properly punish that vampire." Her voice had dropped down very low.

"I don't remember." I said firmly. She sighed, and looked around, as if checking to see if anyone was watching. She had good timing because at that moment, Zero walked into the room. He looked at us with a doubtful expression, and then looked at me.

"What are you doing?" His tone was harsh, but gentler than last night's tone. It took me a moment to realize he was referring to the fact that my hand was on my neck. I reluctantly dropped it. He looked at Yuuki, who immediately stood up.

"I have to talk to Head Master."

"Why?" Zero turned, and looked at the petite girl as she walked past him. She looked at me for a second, and then at Zero.

"Because someone from the Night Class broke some rules last night." Zero looked at me, his normal scowl was even deeper set. I quickly looked down at my bed sheets.


I guess some part of me should have felt shamed. I had let a vampire drink from my own body. That would embarrass any self-respecting Hunter, but the strange thing was...I didn't feel that way at all. If anything, I felt oddly...Well, happy to put it bluntly.

Sure, my neck throbbed slightly, and it itched, but I was genuinely felt joy. I was scared. I wasn't nervous. I wasn't shamed. I was just more content than I had been in a really long time. I couldn't trade that for the world. Even when the Head Master summoned me to his office.

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