Night Sixteen

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Night Sixteen:

"Hey, are you ok, Sakika?" I shook my head, and glanced over to Yurine, a classmate of mine that sat next to me every day in humanities. She had slightly wavy, dark brown hair, and green eyes. She had average looks, but was incredibly smart. Yurine had a very nice personality to match, and could have been more popular among the students if she wasn't so socially awkward and shy.

"I'm fine." I answered simply, looking away, but her eyes still remained on me. Yurine was incredibly perceptive. It was hard to get anything past her. So, I knew she didn't believe me. However, she didn't press, and she looked away.

"I know you don't really talk to anyone outside of Yuuki, and Zero, and that one girl, but you can talk to me. I kinda like you." I glanced over at her, surprised by her statement considering we almost had zero interaction beyond the normal, school related things.

"I'm just tired. " She glanced at me again, her eyes shining with doubtfulness, but she didn't press. She merely looked back at her books. I sighed, and flipped the page in my own book.

What was on my mind the entire day was what had been going on recently in my life, topped off by the mysterious night student that tried to steal my folder last night. There was so much going on, and all of seemed to have been triggered by me coming to this Academy. There had to be something I was missing. Something that was directly staring me in the face. I knew it was connected with what was in the folder. The secret the folder held for me, I knew could be very easily answered By Takuma or even Kuran, but a part of me hesitated reaching out to them.

By the time dusk rolled around, my stomach was in convulsions. I felt ill. I knew my job as a prefect was coming up. I had to do my duty, given to me by the Head Master, and I couldn't back down, but the encounter last night had me on edge. I knew I would eventually see him again. I would likely see Akatsuki, or Takuma, and both were rather perspective, and would easily see through any facade I would attempt to put on, but then again it's not like I was trying very hard to hide the fact that something was bothering me. Even my fellow classmates that were rather on the dense side of things, had asked me what had happened to me. I couldn't be truthful with them.


The patrol that night was nerve racking for me. I kept feeling paranoid about the dorms, so I stuck close to them, never leaving them for long. Zero or Yuuki would occasionally walk by, Yuuki would stop for a small chat while Zero had merely given me a worried look. I hated how much they seemed to pity me. I didn't want pity. I hate pity. Pity is the absolute worse thing you can give a person. I just wanted them to leave me alone, but I knew just how impossible that would be in any case.

I knew I couldn't stay there all night, as much as I tired, so I moved around. Patrolling the gates between the Day and Night class dorms, and other areas.

"You've been sticking close to the Day Dorms most of the night. I'm surprised you would come this close to the Night Dorms. Is someone in our class bothering you?" I stiffened up at the sound of Kuran's voice. I turned, and eyed him, my body tensing up. He gave me what one could call a pleasant, relaxed smile, but I felt the threat behind it.

"No. Not really." I lied through my teeth, but Kuran was the last person I wanted to rely on.

"I thought I should let you know before Head Master notifies you, but I finally found out who had attacked you." He had moved closer to me, but kept a distance between us. A part of me relaxed, but another part of me made me tense up even more." I am sorry it took so long, but they covered their tracks so well, it was hard to detect who it could be in our class, but he didn't cover his tracks well enough. Though, I'm sure you already have an inkling to who it is." He paused with his arms crossed slightly, his head tilted to the side as he stared at me. My heart skipped a beat, and immediately Akatsuki's face flashed into my mind, but I quickly shoved that thought to the side. When, I didn't answer, he nodded." Just know, this person shall be dealt with. I hope he will no longer harm you." He had started to walk away slowly, my head turned towards my dorm, my face contorting in confusion. I needed answers...

"Kuran, wait!"

"Hmm?" He paused, and looked at me." Yes, something on your mind?" I looked back towards him, and I took another moment before answering him, getting my thoughts together. Then, I couldn't tell him what was on my mind.

"No. Nothing. Have a good night."

"And you as well." I glanced back at him as he walked gracefully back to the dorms. I sucked in my breath, and ran back to the dorms, ignoring the painful throb in my ankle. It was at that moment, I realized, my once hidden fear of vampires I thought was taken care of long ago...Had come back.

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