Night Fourteen

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Night Fourteen:

The next day, I woke up earlier than I usually had before that day, but my mind was restless. I couldn't sleep well. I kept tossing, and turning, and waking up. It was very hard to sleep. All that was on my mind was who it could have possibly have been that wanted to talk to me. I knew that whoever it was that met me was the one who had been leaving me the flowers, and the previous note. The one who had used Yuuki as a messenger from him to me. Whoever met me was the one under investigation by the Kuran for biting, and drinking my blood. To say the least, I was just a bit nervous.


I had been waiting almost an hour before anyone even showed up. I was leaning against the gate between Moon and Sun dormitories buildings, waiting for whoever it was that wrote me that note to show up.

I was about to give up, when a very familiar face showed up. A man with orange hair and orange eyes. A man with a wild appearance about him. From his unkempt hair, to unkempt eyebrows, to his slightly unbuttoned shirt, even to his own shoes, everything about him made it seem like he just didn't care. It's what made him so attractive, especially to me. It flattered me knowing that he was just as attracted to me as I was to him, which made my heart flutter. He smile at me as he approached me. My pulse raced in my veins, bringing a blush to my cheeks.

"You came." He said simply, as if commenting on the weather.

"Well, I was wondering what you had to tell me. What's up?" I asked, keeping in the shade with him. It was also so I don't get caught here, with him. I would be in trouble. I didn't want that to happen.

"I was just surprised you'd come here. Given everything that has happened, I wouldn't blame you for wanting to stay far away from us."

"Well...It's not like I'm going to remain afraid forever. What's up?"

"So...You were afraid?"

"Not at all. The exprenice was rather nice, actually."

"You remember the incident?" I looked over at him, my eyes wide as I realized my mistake. I had just let on to someone that I remembered, when I had been saying all day yesterday that I didn't remember anything." Don't worry. I won't say anything. Just tell me the truth." I relaxed, and nodded. He was alot easier to believe than the other creatures of the night I had been talking to these past few days. He was just an easy going person.

"No. Not everything is clear. I think they did some temporary memory removal, and memory alteration. It's the only reason I can think of as to why I can't remember any specific details." He nodded, and looked away for a second before looking back at me with an intense look. I hadn't seen the look on his face before that moment. It made my heart flutter, and beat in my chest.

I then remembered my speculation. I wanted to say something, anything but the words were impossible to get out. So, I just stood there with my open in little o shape like a damn fool. Not to say he minded at all.

He gently grabbed my own chin, and tilted it upwards. I had to hold my breath for a second to put my breathing back into order. He then half smiled at me. He leaned closer to me. Closer. Closer again until I felt the warmth of his breath hit my own face. It smelt sweet, but minty, oddly. I wanted more. I was prepared for more when he suddenly just let my chin go, but he didn't undo the distance between us.

"You just be careful, ok?" His hands moved to the base of my shoulder blades, which moved me closer to him." I'll see you later." Wit that said, he let me go, and turned to walk back to his room, leaving me to stand alone to catch my breath, and control my racing heart.


After the exchange with Akatsuki earlier in the day, I felt anxious for the patrol that night, but in an oddly good way. It meant I would have another encounter with him. That possibility had me excited.

That night, during patrol, I had mostly stuck beside Zero. Or he stuck close to me. I had wanted to go closer to the Night Classes dorms, perhaps steal another chance to talk to Akatsuki, but it seemed like every chance I got, Zero would quickly be beside me again. I was frustrated, but I oddly liked having Zero's presence. Maybe if he would lay off the butt-face routine, we could be good friends.

That night, I didn't get the chance to talk to Akatsuki, which disappointed me, but I had made it a plan to try my damn hardest the next night, even if Zero would again be on intent on not letting me out of his sight.

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