Night 12

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Night Twelve:

I awoke early the next day so that I could see Mother and Mikami off. Just as I was ready to head out, Mikami entered the room. I smiled at him as he entered the room, looking very unlike himself with his nervous demeanour. He gave a tight lipped smile in return. I sat down on my bed, and looked around him.

"Where's Mother?"

"I asked her to come a little bit after me. I told her I wanted to give you something in private." He explained, taking the bed across from me. I noticed the brown bag hanging from his left side. I looked back at him with my eyebrows knitted together.

"Ok. So what is it?" I was starting to get impaient, which caused my tone to come out a bit harsher than I had intended. He nodded, and reached into the sacheal hanging on his side.

"Just read these when you're alone. I don't want Mother to see these because I had gotten them from Father's study room before we came here. I thought you might want to take a look. I'm sure they were planning on telling you when you came over otherwise they wouldn't be out." He handed me a rather thick folder filled with papers. I had to carefully hold them together.

"I...What is this?"

"You'll see. Just put them away before Mother sees it. The last thing I want to hear is her gripping at me all the way home." I nodded, and leaned over towards my dresser. I then opened the bottom drawer, and quickly settled the folder in there, closing it right before Mother came into the room.

"Ah, I'm glad to see you up, and ready dear."Mother hugged me, and kissed the top of my head. I smiled, closing my eyes. I opened them back up as she took a seat next to Mikami."We'll be heading off, but just take care fo yourself, ok? No more spraining anything or getting hurt, no matter how it came to happen." I nodded.

"Ok. I promise." Mother took a deep breath, and then stood up. She glanced at Mikami, who looked at me a bit longer before standing up behind Mother.

"Take care. We'll see you soon." Mother said softly.

"Don't forget what I told you." Mikami added. Again, I just nodded.

"Yeah. Ok."

"Bye, dear."

"Bye." Mikami waved as he exited the room. I sighed as they left the room. I looked down at the hard floor for a moment before reaching over for my crutches.

"You should really stay off that leg, ya know. It'll help it heal better that way." I looked over at Yuuki, pausing with my hands on the crutches.

"Well, I can't stay in bed, and baby it."

"Classes are off the rest of the week . Why don't you just rest today?"

"Why are you even here?" I asked, taking my hands off the crutches, and sitting back in the bed.

"Zero wanted me to check on you, and see how you're doing. He would have come with me, but Head Master wanted him to run some errands."

"Why didn't you go with him?"

"I told him I'd check on you. See if there was anything you needed." I shook my head.

"No. I'll be ok. I guess I'll just take it easy today since classes are off." Yuuki smiled, and nodded as she stood awkardly in the door. I sighed heavily." You can come in, ya know. I'm not going to bite your head off." Yuuki smiled nervously as she walked into the room, and sat down on Nae's bed.

"Are you sure you're going to be ok? I mean, won't you get lonely?"

"I'll be ok. Besides, my brother gave me something to read, so I'll have something to do to pass the time."

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