Night Ten

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Night Ten:

The next day, I felt surprisingly better. My ankle still hurt like all hell, but thanks to Head Master patching it up, and giving me crutches, I was able to keep my weight off of it, and walk. Yuuki and Zero guided me outside when the time came for the parents to come back. My brother looked at me surprised, but I merely shook my head. He didn't ask any questions afterwards, but stuck pretty close to me as we walked towards the dinning area for breakfast, as well as another, most likely, long winded speech from the Head Master himself.

"I'm so glad to see so many of you back! And I'm even more happy to know that you all took some time out of your busy schedules to come and visit us. I'm sure your children enjoy this rare opportunity." He looked around the crowd, but most barely nodded. He continued."Well, I am happy to inform that we have quiet a schedule today. After breakfast, there will be a show put on by the Drama Club. After that is over, we will head out to the Courtyard where there will be some family games for those interested to participate in. Afterwards, we'll be having lunch. There will be some time afterwards to which you may take your child off grounds for a family afternoon, but are expected to be back before five. We'll have an hour at which families A through L will be brought into my office, and we'll talk about your child's growth. At seven, we will have a late dinner, which will cooked up by our brilliant Night Class students."Several of the girls swooned at the idea. I had to admit that even I reacted. My back straightened out immediately, and a small smile overcame my face. My brother glanced at me, his face set in a hard frown. The Head Master had to wait several minutes before he continued."Bed time will be kept at it's usual eight o clock at which you will be expected to go back to your regular places until tomorrow. As usual, please, enjoy your time~!" He stepped off the podium, and the chatter continued.


"What was with your reaction to Cross's words about the dinner." My brother whispered as we watched Mother compete with Nae's family at an egg toss game. I didn't think I'd ever seen my mother so happy as she seemed to be with Nae's father, his wife had died just three month prior due to illness. Mikami and I sat under a tree, my leg prompted up on a pillow he had gotten from Head Master.

"Night Class always cook such good meals. I'm just excited to eat what they cook up." I lied, but it's not like I was going to tell him the truth.

"I doubt Cross would let them inter-mingle that much."

"No. He only did it once, and that was the last time because of how the Day Class girls acted."

"So he'd just risk, and do it again. Don't these girls understand what those monsters are?"

"It's crazy, Mikami, you stopped being a Hunter because you didn't like how it was all ran, and that you'd rather have peace, but you just called them monsters."

"Isn't that what they are? Most of them think nothing of a human life. They think themselves superior."

"Well, in almost every aspect, they are superior. They're better looking, stronger, faster, smarter, they're stronger, live longer...They're amazing...It's not hard to get big head when you got all that and so much more going for you."

"You sound like you have taken a real liking to them. You used to hate them just as much as Father hates them." I looked at my brother the same moment he looked at me with a harsh look. I scowled back at him.

"I've just opened my eyes to how most of them really are, is all. You don't understand."

"I understand that you really like them. A change like that just doesn't happen over night."

"And it didn't, ok? I've just come to respect them."

"Respect? Are you crazy? Do you think that they'd hold you so dear if they decided you were food?" I rolled my eyes. I could feel my anger quickly raising in me, but I knew Mikami well enough to know that he wouldn't just let this drop so easily, and I was right."Sakika, just think." He voice dropped to an even lower whisper as he spoke next."Just...Tell me you aren't hot for one of them, and I'll let this entire thing drop." I stared at my brother in shock. Shocked that he would even suggest such a thing.

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