Night Fifteen

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Night Fifteen:

Three days later, school started up again. Each night, patrol went on as usual, but during those three nights, I couldn't shake Zero off my trail long enough to get over to the Moon Dormitory, and talk to Akatsuki. It annoyed me, but there was nothing else I could do.

By the time school started up again, my bite was no longer there, visible to the naked eye. However, it still itched, like a wound still healing. I had to almost leave my hand connected to my neck at all times to get any relief from the intense itching. I was surprised nobody, not even Zero, had mentioned anything. That is, until Study Hall, anyways.

I had taken a table with some of my "friends" from the Day Class, my mind concentrated on studying, but it kept wondering off. I wound up doodling in my class notebook. The girls were busy chattering amongst themselves, mostly about gossip. What happened at this or that party at their parents, some big scandal that happened, and, of course, boys was the main topic.

Then, suddenly, they went silent. I glanced up at them, eyebrow raised, silently asking what had happened. One of my friends, a second year girl with curly black hair, pale skin, and violet eyes, motioned softly with her head to look beside me. I turned my head, and saw Zero sitting there beside me, his hand supporting his face as he looked at me with a blank expression.

"Um, what are you doing here?" I whispered, my eyes flickering to the girls who were staring at us intently. Zero glanced at them as if he didn't have a care in the world, and then looked at me, a scowl setting in his face.

"Is your leg still bothering you?" I looked at him, confused for a moment, before I saw where his eyes were looking. At my neck. He wasn't concerned about my ankle, which was surprisingly feeling better. He was asking about me. The wound that had since disappeared. His eyes flicked back to my face, and I realized he was waiting for me to answer. I blushed, and cleared my throat. I looked away from, and to my notebook.

"No. It's healing pretty fast, and I'm starting to feel really better. Thanks for asking." Out of my peripheral vision, I saw him nod.

"Just don't do too much." He stood up, and then walked back to where he was before, across the room, sitting next to Yuuki, who was staring at me intently. I gripped my neck again.

"Wow, Kiryuu really is nice." One of my friends said in an off-hand manner.

"Yeah. Coming to check on you like that."

"He was just being nice." I defended, but couldn't help the smile that formed on my lips.


The rest of the day drug on slowly. I could hardly concentrate on anything that was being said during class. My mind kept wondering every which place. It was hard enough keeping track on my racing thoughts, let alone what the teachers were lecturing on.

Due to my ankle, I had to sit out on the more physically straining part about being a Guardian, the rowdy girls that constantly tried to push past us to sneak a peek at the beautiful, and elite Night Students. Part of me was rather thankful for that part.

That night, it was easier to slip from Zero's seemingly watchful eye over me, and stick longer to the Night Class grounds. My heart thumped fast in my chest as I looked around in hopes of finding Akatsuki. I was lucky I didn't have to look long.

"I thought you would be here." He said simply, moving from his place on the tree. I looked around him, as if expecting someone else to be with him. I looked back at him with a smile.

"I'm glad I caught you here." I admitted, my breathing becoming shallower as he stepped closer to me. My muscles tensed up, and I backed up against the tree. My hands gripped the rough bark. My throat gone dry. What was wrong with me?

"I see the wound has disappeared." It took me a moment to realize what he was talking about. I nodded stiffly, and cleared my throat.

"Yes. It does itch like all hell though." He let out a small chuckle that made me smile too. Even his chuckled sounded delightful.

"Sometimes it happens." He moved closer, the gap between us was quickly closing between us. Out of nowhere, it clicked in me that I shouldn't have sought him out. I shouldn't have even come to their grounds, knowing what has been going on. My eyes flicked back to Akatsuki as he paused, little less than a foot between us. It clicked in me then that he had taken a risk coming out to see me. Both that night, and the four days ago.

"I...I should get going." My voice cracked slightly, showing my apprehension. I cleared my throat again, and looked off to the side." I...I do have other areas to patrol." I couldn't bring myself to look back at him, but I could sense his disappointment.

"Yeah. Probably." I took the chance, and looked back at him with a tight lipped smile. He looked at me a moment longer before responding. I got a distinct feeling that he was studying me, as if trying to figure some question out, but his face quickly relaxed back into a smile.

"Well, good night." I turned, and walked away. Despite every muscle that wanted to turn back, I knew I couldn't turn back.


That night, I went to my dorm earlier than I had before on other nights, especially lately, but Yuuki promised her and Zero could handle the rest of the night without me. Zero didn't say anything, so I was more than happy to go back to my dorm.

I had gotten into my pajamas's, and was staring at the ceiling when I heard noise again in my room. It was the window opening. At this point, my eyes were closed. My body tensed up, the same as the first night I had heard this same thing. I wanted to open my eyes, merely to see the face of the person who drank from me, but something compelled me to keep my eyes shut.

My eyes snapped open when I heard my bottom drawer being opened. The same drawer held my roses, my notes, and more importantly, the folder Mikami had given me. My eyes snapped open, and I looked straight at the person that intruded in my room. They held the folder in their hands. The only thing I could tell was that this person was distinctively male. Any other features were hidden by the black cloak on their body.

"What are you doing with my personal property?" I hissed, my hands reaching for my anti-vampire sword." And why are you in my room?" The person didn't speak, but held the folder tighter to them, suggesting that they weren't going to let it go. My scowl deepened as my hands tightened around my sword, but I didn't draw it out.

"Don't do anything rash. You could wind up regretting it." There was something oddly familiar about this person's voice, but I couldn't place it.

"You're going to regret coming in here, if you don't put back what you're attempting to steal."

"I'd like to see you try to stop me." It was a challenge, and a challenge I was willing to make. I jumped out of bed, and lunged at the other person, attempting to tackle him to the ground, but he was too fast. I wound up bashing my head against the edge of bed, the ends of the pegs scraped against the floor as the force of me hitting the bed forced it to move."Heh too slow." I growled, and forced myself in a push up motion.

"That's what you think, you bastard." I whispered harshly, turning, and grabbing him by the ankle, I forced him to the ground.

He landed with a grunt as he collided with the ground. His hood feel back from his face. I felt my heart flutter as icy blue eyes, ones that matched my own color, stared directly at me. He had a strong profile, and auburn, spiky hair. He resembled me quiet a bit, but I recognized him as one of the students that attended the Night Class.

"You're good." He announced with a grunt. I stared at him, trying to disspell the misgivings I had about this situation. It was like staring at a male version of myself." But then, why would you be a Hunter if you weren't good."

"J-just give me back the folder." I voiced once I was able to find my voice again. He nodded slightly, and sat the folder on the ground. I moved off him, and grabbed the folder as I stood back up."Go. Now." He gave me one last smirk before disappearing out the window.

When he was gone, I put the folder away under my pillow, and laid back down in bed. Just who the hell was he? Why did he look so much like me? I couldn't figure it out, and it kept me up most of the rest of the night.

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