Night Eighteen

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Night Eighteen:

The next few days were gut wrenching for me. I had made up my mind to leave. For my sanity, I needed time to get away. I knew that much was needed for my sake. Still, I couldn't help but feel incredibly saddened. Was I really prepared to leave everything behind? Leave everything behind knowing I'd probably never see anyone again? My chest hurt thinking of never again talking to Zero. To Akatsuki. To Yuki. To Takuma. To any of the friends I had made during my short time at Cross Academy.

Plus, I still needed to find out about the context of the folder, and of the vampire who attempted to steal it from me. There was still just too many unanswered questions, and doubts to just leave. But I knew I just needed some time away for my own sanity. It was important to go before any other disaster happened.

"Hey, are you ok? You're not even paying attention to what I'm telling you." I shook my head slightly, rising my head from my hands, and looking at Zero's rather annoyed expression. It was our tutoring session. I had no idea what happened. I scowled, sighed, and looked off. I could hear Zero sigh heavily. I looked at him through the corner of my eyes as he shut the math book closed angrily, closing his eyes for a moment, and then looked at me with a scowl."What the hell is wrong with you? You've been mopey the past couple of days." I sighed in annoyance, rolling my eyes, and looking off once again.

"I don't see why it's any of your concern. Why do you care anyways?"

"Because for as long as I've known you, it's not at all like you to be this...Mopey. Just spill it." I rolled my eyes, somehow feeling more annoyed than I should, and continued to look off. I could feel his annoyance roll off him in waves, and it was affecting my mood. It was only souring it, in fact.

"Geez. Will you let it go already?" I questioned, scowling, closing my eyes as I tapped my fingers against the wood of the desk.

"I'll let it go when you talk." I sighed in annoyance, standing up so fast that the chair I had been sitting on, fell to the ground with a loud thunk.

"I have somewhere to be." I mumbled, taking quick steps out of the room.

"Hey! Get back here!" I could hear Zero call after me in annoyance, and I knew it was only a short matter before he reached me. I shook my head, and quickened my pace. Still he caught up to me, grabbing my arm, and stopping me from going any further."Just what the hell do you think you're doing?" He growled out. I looked at him with a slight shrug.

"I have somewhere to be, and let's be honest neither of us is in the mood to be studying." Zero shook his head, but refused to let go of my arm.

"I know that Kuran spoke with you a few nights ago. If he threatened you or something just tell me." I sighed in aggravation, and shook my head. I snapped my arm from his grip, glaring at him.

"Kuran said nothing more than ask simple questions about who the hell bit me." I snapped under my breath, my eyes looking around to make sure nobody over heard us.

Zero stared at me for a moment longer, and then nodded sharply. He leaned back, and crossed his arms over his chest. I mirrored the action, glaring slightly. He then rolled his eyes, and dropped his arms by his side.

"Whatever. Go get ready for the night's patrol. We have to be at those gates in an hour." I nodded, turning on my heel, and quickly walking back to my dorm room.


I whistled slightly as I patrolled the Sun Dormitories. Yuki and Zero had wondered off to patrol other things. I suppose Zero was angry with me for our encounter earlier in the day, but I couldn't bring myself to care. I sure as hell was not going anywhere near the Moon Dormitories. I was going to distance myself from those night beings as much as I could during this time. I needed my mind, and my feelings, to be absolutely clear without any hint of a doubt when I told the Headmaster my decision. I couldn't let anything, or anyone, cloud my judgement. I knew what was best for me.

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