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The italics for this chapter are flashbacks!

The italics for this chapter are flashbacks!

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ミ☆ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧!

Talia was back in the studio. It was one of her happy places, where she could forget the world and just immerse herself in music.

The blonde put all her feelings into finishing the song she wrote for Daniel, Mona Lisa. By the time she finished, Talia was so proud of how good the song turned out, she almost forgot about how upset she was.

Talia smiled proudly after looking over her work. She hooked her computer up and pressed play on the track of Mona Lisa. Flashbacks and memories came back to the blue eyed girl closed her eyes as she started singing the first verse.

"Keep it casual, don't have to tippy toe."

Talia almost shivered when she felt Daniel place his hands on her waist ever so gently, as if she was the most delicate thing.

"Take your cares off, just stay a couple more."

"I'm so sorry but I h-have to go," Daniel stuttered.

"You don't have to be, don't have to be a stranger. Go and get a little closer,"

Suddenly the warmth went away, coolness replacing it and Talia opened her eyes in confusion.

Talia was so immersed in singing, she didn't notice that the exact boy she was singing about was peeking through a door crack.

Daniel listened to each lyric guiltily. All he could think about was how he kept leaving her hanging because of his own fears.

"What's with that mean behavior? You let this oh la la la, intimidate ya." Talia continued to sing.

Daniel was taken back by that line. Now that the truth was right in front of him, he realized that he truly was intimated.

"What's on my mind, I've been thinking maybe. I could be yours, by the time that we leave." Talia sung the last verse of the song.

Talia wanted to be his? Daniel was so shook by the thought, he didn't pay any attention to the fact that Talia had finished singing and turned around, her blue eyes landing on one of Daniel's own recognizable eyes peeking through the door.

"Daniel?" Talia called out, getting up to open the door. "How much of that did you hear?"

"Most of it?" Daniel responded sheepishly.

"What are you doing here?" Talia asked, her eyes not meeting his.

Daniel frowned, he could tell how hurt she was just by looking at her.

"I came to apologize," Daniel spoke softly.

Talia said nothing. The girl wasn't even sure if she wanted an apology. She didn't know if she could bare rejection. Surely, Daniel came to tell her sorry for leading her on and that he didn't actually like her.

"Please. Can I show you something?" Daniel asked hopefully, extending his palm out for Talia to take his hand.

It took a moment but eventually, Talia gave a small nod and took Daniel's hand. As soon as their hands touched, Talia wanted to pull back. It didn't feel the same. Daniel's touch used to make her giddy and warm inside but now his touch reminded her of their first date and when he led her to dance, only to leave her hanging.

Daniel could feel Talia tense as he led her to the elevator. The boy hated that he had caused her to start feeling differently about him and desperately hoped his surprise would make it up to her.

Talia let out a small chuckle when Daniel covered her eyes. As cliche as the gesture was, it did make the girl wonder what she would be opening her eyes to.

"Okay. 3, 2, 1!" Daniel exclaimed as he uncovered Talia's eyes.

The blonde blinked a few time to adjust and then silently gasped at the sight of the rooftop covered with carpets and mattresses under string lights.

Talia followed Daniel, who gestured for her to sit on the mattress, and smiled when she saw the makeshift stage in front of her.

The other four why don't we boys were sitting on stools, all grinning at her. Daniel grabbed his guitar before sitting on a stool too.

The blue eyed boy looked into Talia's eyes, "Okay so I really need to apologize, and I owe you an explanation. Talia, I'm so sorry about last night. To be super honest, I'm a little scared of commitment, and sometimes I feel intimidated because I think you're way out of my league. For fuck's sake, you were my celeb crush! I didn't think I'd like you so seriously, and I never thought you would actually like me back. That's why I'm so hesitant and making you wait, but I really hope you'll accept my apology. Um, we're going to sing some of our songs for you but the lyrics that I'm singing are the ones that I really mean. This first song is 8 letters."

After saying all of that, Daniel felt like a weight had been lift off his shoulders. He had faith that this would work as he had seen Talia's eyes soften and her smile brighten as she listened to his speech.

The why don't we boys sung 8 letters like usual but Daniel would cut in and take some lyrics that he wanted Talia to hear from him.

During Jonah's verse, "Opening and closing up again. I've been hurt so I don't trust," was sung by Daniel.

In the chorus, Daniel sung the lyrics, "Why do I pull you close, and then ask you for space?"

"When I close my eyes. It's you there in my mind," Daniel sung during the bridge of the song.

"Isn't it amazing how almost every line on our hands align, when your hand's in mine.
It's like I'm whole again, isn't that a sign.
I should speak my mind," Daniel sung like usual.

After the why don't we boys finished singing 8 letters, Talia clapped as Daniel announced that the next song was Words I Didn't Say.

The part Daniel sung in this song was, "Every time we got closer, I pushed you away.
Pulled you right back just to give you the pain.
If I was your sinner, then you were my saint.
Guilty of breaking your heart.
I lie here awake, thinking of all the games I played.
I let you wait, hundreds of promises that I.
I never made, I fell forever in a daze.
Till you walked away, 'cause of the words I didn't say."

The boys sung Tell Me next. First, Daniel sung, "Everything about you, I want to know.
Everything I gotta do, I want to do.
I'm just being honest, I'm not here to waste your time.
You could hold my promise, I don't give it away too often."

Then, as the other four boys sung the rest of the song, Daniel stepped off the makeshift stage and walked up to where Talia was sitting on the mattresses and sung the last lyrics of Tell Me.

The brunet knelt down in front of Talia, who was now blushing madly, and sung to her, "What do I gotta do to be down with you?"

Talia gave Daniel a nose crinkled smile before answering, "Nothing you gotta do because you're already forgiven."


i love this chapter so much hehe <3 and sorry for the long wait! school's been a pain this week :'(

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