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ミ☆ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨!

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ミ☆ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨!

The bright sunlight that seeped through the sides of the window where the curtains did not cover made Talia Layhton wince and shut her eyes as soon as she opened them. The blue eyed girl rolled over, facing the other side of her Las Vegas hotel room and opened her eyes again. The first thing she noticed was that the other queen sized bed was empty and messy. The second thing she noticed was that the bathroom door was closed. Talia didn't have to notice the third thing because as soon as she heard a beat of the faint sound of pop music coming from the bathroom, it got much louder when her roommate and best friend, Claire Harris opened the door.

"Oh hey, good morning! Shit, did the music wake you up? Sorry about that," Claire said, turning her music down.

"It's fine, I should get up anyways. Big day today!" Talia yawned as she stretched her arms and legs. As Talia got up and grabbed her stuff to go inside the bathroom, Claire cleaned up the mess she had made on the countertops while she got ready.

"It sure is! I'll be that one bitch screaming for you when you present the one and only Panic! At the Disco," Claire said, making Talia chuckle as she brushed her teeth.

"Holy shit, I'm so excited for today! In fact, I'm gonna listen to high hopes while I get ready," Talia grinned after brushing her teeth.

Since it was only ten o'clock in the morning, the girls decided to order room service. Talia chose to stay in her robe until it was time to get ready for the bbma's. As she ate her toast and drank her coffee, Talia rehearsed the line she would be saying while Claire hyped her up like the great best friend she was.

Hours flied while they were watching netflix and eating. Pretty soon, it was time to start getting ready. Talia and Claire changed out of their robes and into their outfits for the award show. They helped each other do their hair and makeup, and put their heels on. While waiting to be picked up, the girls took pictures and selfies.

"Our ride is here," Talia told Claire when she got a text from the driver.

The two American blondes grabbed their stuff and left the hotel room. The elevator took them to the main floor and they walked outside to where the car was waiting for them.

When they got to the venue of the Billboard Music Awards, Talia said goodbye to Claire and went off to check in as a presenter. Then she walked the red carpet and had her photos taken. She did interviews with reporters before heading backstage.

As the venue filled up with various celebs, Talia got more and more nervous. She knew that she only had one line to say and barely any screen time but she was somehow still insanely worried she would mess it up and embarrass herself on live television. Talia walked to the curtains covering the main stage and took a peek out at the audience of people. She stuck her blonde head of hair out the curtains and took a deep inhale when she saw the large amount of people being seated.

Deciding to distract herself from her nervousness, Talia walked around backstage to talk to some of the people she knew and to meet some she didn't. She watched the show backstage with the others and as it got closer to her turn to present Panic! at the Disco with Asher Angel, she rehearsed her lines yet again and took deep breaths.

The commercial going on was her cue to start walking on stage. Talia met up with Asher and the two of them walked to their designated position. She had been given an earpiece which told her when the commercials were over and for her to start talking.

As soon as Talia and Asher saw the signal, they composed themselves and smiled at the camera lowering down at them.

Bringing the microphone up, Talia recited her line perfectly, "They've sold out arenas worldwide and delivered smash hits across the billboard, rock, pop, and alternative charts for over a decade." and Asher continued, "Here with their latest hit Hey Look Ma, I Made It, this is- Give it up for Panic! at the Disco!"

The crowd cheered wildly as the camera switched over to the other stage where Panic! at the Disco was performing. Talia and Asher walked backstage and high fived before walking away. Talia smiled to herself proudly as her nerves eased down and was able to enjoy the rest of the show stress free.

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