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this part of their date is based off sabrina carpenter's on purpose music video so i would suggest you watch it to get a visual of their date [or just watch it because sabrina is a queen, this song is a bop, and this music video SLAPS]

this part of their date is based off sabrina carpenter's on purpose music video so i would suggest you watch it to get a visual of their date [or just watch it because sabrina is a queen, this song is a bop, and this music video SLAPS]

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ミ☆ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞!

Admittedly, their date had started off rather awkwardly, but it was a surprisingly good kind of awkward. Lots of soft giggling and sneak peeks at each other when they thought the other wasn't looking.

After the awkwardness broke, lunch had actually turned out to be full of conversation, playful banter, and laughter. As they ate, Talia and Daniel shared stories and memories, talked about the most random things, and got to know each other.

When both of them finished eating, the laughter quickly turned into an argument for who would get the check. The more Daniel insisted he would pay, the more Talia would argue back. Eventually, they came to an agreement, one that made them both happy since it would mean their date would be extended.

"By the way," Daniel said as he put his credit card back inside his wallet, "You're cute when you're mad."

A rosy blush rose on Talia's cheeks and the girl shyly mumbled a quick thanks as the two of them slid out of their booth to leave.

The two blue eyed teens walked to Daniel's car and got in as soon as Daniel unlocked it.

"Where are we going?" Talia asked as she buckled her seat belt.

"You're going to love this place. It's a shopping street, kinda like melrose but instead of LA, think more New York or London. There's also a park down the street, I go there a lot by myself just to think and stuff. It's really peaceful and there's not a lot people that'll recognize us either," Daniel explained as he turned the radio on.

As Daniel drove, music played from the radio at a reasonable volume. Talia giggled as Daniel sung along to the songs playing but instead of using the beautiful voice she knew he had, Daniel sung so off key, Talia was hunching over with laughter.

Eventually, Talia joined him and the car became full of their playful singing and laughter.

At one point, they had reached a red light and Daniel took the chance to turn to Talia and watch her as she sung along with the radio. He smiled at how beautiful she looked without even trying. The blonde's eyes were closed as she vocalized with the song dramatically. By the time her eyes opened again, Daniel's eyes were already back on the road.

After a couple more songs played, they arrived at the street. Daniel found a parking spot along the sidewalk and parked the car.

Talia opened the passenger's door and hopped out of the car. She slowly spun around, looking at the street. Just like Daniel had said, it definitely did remind her of New York City or London's streets. The buildings had a historic vibe and were astonishingly tall and eye-catching. There wasn't a lot of people yet the street felt lively. Talia could tell why Daniel loved the place.

The blonde's eyes landed on an adorable ice cream parlor that made her grin happily.

"C'mon!" Talia squealed as she used one hand to point to the ice cream parlor and the other hand to pull Daniel along.

Talia hadn't noticed it but Daniel surely did. It was his turn to blush as Talia held his hand and pulled him towards the shop. Her small hands were warm and the physical contact made his cheeks flush with color.

When they reached the ice cream parlor, Talia let go of his hand to swing the door open, leaving Daniel's hand suddenly feel a lot cooler at the loss of warmth.

The two teens walked inside, smiling contently at the interior of the shop which was just as adorable inside as it was outside.

Daniel had already previously agreed to allow Talia to pay since he had paid for lunch.

"Thank you!" Talia exclaimed as the woman behind the counter handed her two vanilla cones.

"Thanks," Daniel said when Talia gave him one.

They exited the ice cream parlor and began walking down the street, licking their ice cream cones. Walking up to a sunglass store, the two shared an excited glance and went inside.

Talia marveled over a display of sunglasses, trying to decide which one she wanted to try on. Daniel walked over and picked a pair up, handing it to the indecisive girl.

"They look great on you," Daniel complimented as Talia tried them on and made faces in the mirror.

"And these would look great on you!" Talia said, picking up another pair and gently sliding them on Daniel.

They looked at each other through the sunglasses and began giggling for no apparent reason. Then, the two exited the shop without either one of them actually purchasing anything.

They finished their vanilla ice cream cones as they walked to the end of the street, reaching the park.

"Goose!" Talia squealed excitedly when she spotted a mama goose leading her babies along the edge of a pond.

The short girl ran over to the goose, Daniel trailing behind, and held her hand up to the goose.

Talia glared at Daniel when he began laughing at how the goose had pecked her finger causing the girl to shriek.

"What did you expect? You didn't even have food!" Daniel chuckled.

"I don't know! I just wanted the goose to love me," Talia pouted, watching the goose and her babies walk further and further away.

"Second try?" Daniel asked, pointing to a flock of pigeons near a park gate.

Talia ran over to the flock and with her hands in a t-pose, she waited for the birds to land on her arms. And to both her and Daniel's surprise, one the birds that had been on the gate hopped over to her arm and rested there for a couple seconds before flying back to the ground.

"Less than a minute but I'll take it!" Talia laughed.

Daniel shook his head in laughter as they kept walking through the park.

The brunet sighed happily as he breathed in the fresh air of the park, "I love this place, it's so peaceful and beautiful here."

Talia looked up at him with a smile, meeting his own bright blue eyes. He sent her a smile back, one she had grown to adore.

"Did you know you're the first person I've brought here? Not even the boys. I always come here myself, just to think, write, even draw sometimes. But I don't know, it just felt right to bring you here," Daniel said gently, looking back up.

"W-wow," Talia stuttered, surprise had suddenly crept up on her.

Daniel tensed when Talia didn't say anything more. He turned to look down at her, only to see that her eyes were focused straight ahead.

Just as he thought he had fucked up and said something wrong, Daniel felt a newly familiar warmth return to his hand.

Talia hadn't known how to express her feelings so she opted for showing him instead. Shakily at first, Talia had brought her hand closer to his. As their hands brushed against each others, she quickly gained the confidence to intertwine their fingers.

"I'm honored," Talia softly said as they kept walking through the serene park, hand in hand.


AH this is one of my favorite chapters I've ever written. i'm in love with them omg

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