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ミ☆ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧!

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ミ☆ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧!

"The party was so fun yesterday," Zach said as the why don't we boys ate breakfast.

Everyone nodded and chimed in agreements, all except for Daniel who tensed as he drank his apple juice.

"Dani, you okay?" Jonah asked, noticing the brunet's behavior.

"Hm? Yeah, I'm fine!" Daniel tried to play it off as he took a bite of his food.

Luckily, no one else was able to question Daniel anymore because the door bell rang a moment after he replied to Jonah.

"I'll get it!" Daniel quickly jumped out of his chair, desperate to get out of this conversation.

"Oh good, it's you. Just the person I was looking for," a familiar voice said as Daniel opened the door.

The brunet's eyes widened in fear as he realized it was Claire, who was sporting a very pissed off look on her face.

"Claire... I wasn't expecting to see you," Daniel mumbled as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Really?" Claire asked with an unconvinced tone.

"Uh well-" Daniel began, not knowing what to say but was luckily interrupted by the girl outside.

"Listen, do you like Talia or not? Because you're sending very mixed signals and I do not appreciate you making my best friend cry," Claire glared at him with narrowed eyes.

Daniel gulped and stepped outside after closing the front door behind him so the other guys wouldn't hear.

"I really do like Talia, a lot actually. And I'm so sorry about last night. I hate that I made her cry, how can I make it up to her?" Daniel asked with an apologetic frown.

Claire stayed silent for a moment, deep in thought. Then, she sighed and pulled her phone out.

"Okay look, I just dropped her off at the studio half an hour ago so that's where she is. Talia likes you a lot, don't mess this up. Break her heart again and I'll break you!" Claire shouted, making Daniel's eyes widen.

The brunet quickly invited Claire inside and re-introduced her to the boys. For the next hour, the two planned out every single detail of their plan for Daniel to get Talia back.


"Good luck," Claire said as Daniel hopped out of the car with his hands full of supplies.

"Thanks for your help!" Daniel exclaimed as he closed the car door.

The brunet walked inside and instead of going to Talia's studio room, he went up the elevator to the rooftop of the high building.

The blue eyed boy pushed the door open and smiled when he saw the empty spot Claire told him about. He carefully dumped his supplies down and got to work.

Daniel first laid out several carpets he and Claire had gathered so a good portion of the ground was covered. The boy then grabbed the two outdoor bench cushions he borrowed from the why don't we house's backyard and placed them on top of the carpets.

Just as he finished, the other four why don't we boys arrived on the rooftop, each holding a stool except for Jonah who held two.

"A bit late," Daniel hummed as he directed them to where he wanted the stools placed.

"It was Zach!" Jack shouted, pointing a finger at the youngest member.

"What?! No, it wasn't!" Zach defended.

"Stop shouting! Someone could hear us," Jonah said, shutting the two boys up.

The five boys put the finishing touches and then got in position.

"Everything's ready, Dani. Go get her," Corbyn grinned.

Daniel nodded and sighed contently as he looked around the rooftop one more time. His bandmates all shot him a thumbs up before Daniel went down the elevator.

He walked around, looking for Talia's studio room, and gulped when he found it. As his slightly shaky hands raised up to knock, the faint sound of Talia's enchanting voice stopped him. Through the door, the brunet could hear that Talia was in the middle of singing a song he hadn't heard before.

"Ain't gotta hesitate. Ain't gotta make me wait. Oh, baby, won't you stay, yeah..."

It didn't take long for Daniel to figure that this must be the song she wrote for him. Slowly and as quietly as he could, Daniel pushed the door open so he could hear better. The boy took a peek inside and was relieved to find that Talia had her back facing him, meaning he could hear the rest of the song without her seeing him.

"Both of my eyes, they've been fixing on you. Wasting your time, should be making that move..." Talia sung.

The more she sung, the more certain Daniel was. This song had to be about him, the lyrics were as clear as day. Guilt crept up on him as he continued listening to the song because deep inside, Daniel knew that every lyric she was singing was true.

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