|| Like a Mother ||

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Peggy P.O.V

Being with John is so fun! I thought that John was super boring at the beginning, but he isn't, he is really nice, now I understand why he was really sad when Alex broke his Notebook, he told me everything.

Poor John.

Alex P.O.V

I can't believe Peggy decide to be friends with John! He's a nobody! A nerd! But, I have never saw him smile, or laugh before.

That's new.

Did I went to far? Maybe, I just can't see how cut— ugly! I mean ugly, he is! And does green emerald eyes! Ew!

Who am I kidding.

Peggy is right.

I went to far, thanks to me he has no friends, when we first meet instead of being nice to him I was mean to him, I have to admitted I went to far when I broke his notebook, should I apologize? No! I'm the villain in his history, he will never accept my apology!


[ Time Skip ]

It's been like 1 or 2 months that Peggy is being Friends with John, and a new student came like 3 or 2 weeks ago, her name is Maria Reynolds, she always wears something red and has a Red lipstick, she looks hot on it, but she join the the little absurd "club" from Peggy!

Now John, Peggy and Maria are the "best friends", they always together and that makes me so mad!

The both protect John, and get him away from me! When I want to bully him Peggy and Maria always pulls me away or they even slap me.

But I had to say that Peggy slaps harder than Maria.

Peggy and I still text but she sometimes ignores me, she's not the same with me.

Today we have Art, great I hate the our Teacher Miss. Surterin, she is nice everyone and with me she's an asshole.

„Class! Today I have something important to tell ya, you need to make a drawing about Love! What love means to you, that's your homework for today, so you'll have a week to finished!" Miss. Surterin said.

what love means to us?? Well that a really hard question, I don't know if I even have the answer to that.

I looked at John who seem a bit surprised just like me, what is he thinking? I wish I could know.

„Class is over! You can go now" Miss. Surterin said, I took my bag and went over to John before he could get to Peggy and Maria.

„Hey! John!" I called loud enough so he could heard me, he stopped walking but he didn't even turn around to see me, I touched his shoulder to catch his attention and to stop him.

„Hey! It's been so long since I bully you!" I said, he didn't even said anything, he look at me with a smile?

„Hamilton! Well hello! If you excuse me, I need to go with Peggy" He said pushing away my hand from his shoulder.

I-I...what? I could feel how my cheeks started to going red, Oh no,no,no,no! I'm not falling for this idiot!

Not in a million years!

He's probably straight!

Wait! What am I thinking?! No! This isn't right! I don't have a crush on him! If I date him my reputation is going to fall, but he--

I need to talk to Peggy!

I went to John's locker because that where Peggy always at now, and as I expected, she was there!

„Peggy! I need! To talk to you! This is really se—" I stoped talking when I saw John with tears on his eyes, why he crying?

„Why is John crying?" I asked, but Peggy didn't seem to like my question??

„Do not call him "John" if your not his friend, called him Laurens" Maria said touching John's shoulder.

„Laurens? What kind of stupid name is that?" I said playfully, Peggy didn't seem to like my joke, and Maria looks kind of offended.

„Go Alex, don't bother him, I'll talk to you when I'm finish with this situation." Peggy said giving a Death look.

„Jeez, Peggy, you act like if you were his mother" I said turning around, I decide to walk away before something else happens.

Peggy is being like a protective mother to him, always around his child.
20 minutes later I get a text from Peggy.

ANDbeggie: Hey, what do you want to talk about? My Johnny boy was crying! I couldn't let him cry, I needed to help him.

COFFEisLIVE: whatever, you know that you act like you were his mother, right?

ANDbeggie: I know, he needs a Mom! And I'm just the one for the job!

COFFEisLIVE: but he has a mother Peggy, you can't just go with him and say that you are going to be his new Mom.

ANDbeggie: Alex her Mom died, Like 3 or 4 moths ago, oh wait--

COFFEisLIVE: his mom died?!

His Mom died..just like mine, well now we have something in common, I guess.

ANDbeggie: I shouldn't say that! No nonononononoooooo John is going to kill me!

COFFEisLIVE: don't worry, I'm not gonna bully him because of that, btw I wanted to tell ya something

ANDbeggie: Thanks Alex!

ANDbeggie: and what do you want to talk about?

COFFEisLIVE: Today our Teacher gave us a homework about what means Love to us, and I need help!!!

ANDbeggie: Oh! My JohnnyBoy told me that to! Well I'm gonna say what I told him.

ANDbeggie: Think in someone you have a crush on or someone of your family, and draw like a flower or whatever😂

COFFEisLIVE: I have no idea how I'm going to do thar but it's kind of helpful! Thanks!

That's a good idea, but someone I love, or I used to love? I'm confused now.

ANDbeggie: Mother knows best Alex! UwU

COFFEisLIVE: Shut Up! 😂😂

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