Dear Fellow Geographer...

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Dear Fellow Geographer,

Oh, so you can draw Fellow Geographer? I have an idea as to how we can speed up this meeting process. Can you tell I'm getting impatient? hehe.

Anyway. Since you have a talent for drawing... Maybe you could draw your features one by one and on the last drawing leave a note with the location you want to meet. I thought that would be a pretty good idea. (I'm not gonna lie Fellow Geographer, I think this meet-cute, is cute as shit and if we go on to have kids, they would totally melt when we tell this story.... Sorry, Fellow Geographer I just realised that I'm probably freaking you out T_T. I spent the entire weekend binge-watching k-drama's and now i'm in the mood for love :) ) Anyway, if you're okay with it...LET'S DO IT!!!

I really need to stop watching K-dramas. I think I'm getting ahead of myself and trying to make everything cute and romantic hehe >.< Ahh, I need a boyfriend already T_T

If you and your friends are 'bros for life'... maybe we will be as well :) ... also I pray and hope that you and your friends will remain together for eternity. >.<

Alright, Fellow Geographer, I'll stop with the jokes... for now ;)

bbyong xox


I'm shocked and confused. Why are there so many boys in this class? How am I supposed to figure out who you are??? 

And no. I'm not Eunji.  I'm not surprised you automatically assumed I'd be the prettiest girl in the class. Nice try though Xx

a/n: Annnnndddd 7 months later, I finally decided to upload this chapter that has literally been in the drafts since the day i wrote 'Hamster Wearing Googles'😬.  SOrry for the really late update... but in other news, I'm honestly so shocked because I came back and saw that loads of people had added this story to their reading lists. Like ohmagahd STOPP I really didn't expect people to actually like this story😭😭😭. Anyway, it's like 1:27 am and I'm in the mood to write another chapter so we'll see what happens. I Love U🥺🥺 xxx

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