Dear Gold Digger...

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Dear Gold digger,

You know what? I won't even ignore your comment. I admit it. I was quite intrigued by you and I also admit that I want to get to know you more. 

I'm not denying that I am an outcast. I am stating it because I seriously am not. I think you would be surprised when you see me in real life and find out who I really am. To be honest I'm surprised you don't know the owner of the locker... but it's okay I know one day you'll figure it out. hehe

I don't even know you yet, how am supposed to give you a surprise that you are meant to like? It's like mission impossible. And you didn't want a letter?? *sigh* what a gold digger hehe...jk

Ay, you never know. We could become more than friends. They always say, boy-girl, friendships never work out. ;)

I am a senior. What about you? 

I just realised that with every letter we send to one another. The more we learn about each other. So what will the surprise be when we meet each other?

bbyong xox

p.s. bbyong could be our always. 

Jamais Vu | J.JKΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα