"Freshmen"He grinned(,or tried to). "I am too"The secretary handed me my locker number and my timetable.I stared at the timetable. "What classes do we have together?"He stood by me to look at the paper too. "Um, basically all of them.Minus period one on Wednesday all of them"I nodded. "What happened to you anyway?"He was confused for a second before realizing.

"Oh, I got punched.I came here for the late pass.I need to clean myself up and the classes are about to start"I frowned.First Friday of school and people are already hurt?Wow. "Oh, I'll wait for you then"He nodded and smiled thankfully.

5 minutes later we were heading toward my locker, but before we left the office, he spoke up. "I need to warn you, I'm kind of a loser.I didn't get punched by mistake, it was my bully"I frowned. "Why would anybody bully you?You seem nice"He sighed, the ice  still on his lip. "Teenagers are confusing"We kept walking. "They surely are"I muttered, remembering Reece.

Just as we entered, the bell rang, and everybody started walking to their classes, which left Blake and I alone.We got to my locker and sorted everything out while I tried making conversation. "So... who bullies you?"That question was wierd, but I wanted to know.

"This kid from a grade above and his friends"I nodded with a small frown.Once we finished at my locker we moved to the bathroom.

I inspected the bruise. "It's not that bad, just don't talk much and eat on the left side"He nodded.We threw the half melted ice and went to first period, English.

We entered, and to say I was nervous is an understanding.The teacher gave us a stern look as the students seem relieved the class paused. "Mr Richardson, you're late.I suppose you're the new kid, Mr Smith"I nodded as Blake gave the teacher the late pass and guided both of us towards two free seats.

"Why are you late, if you don't mind me asking?"The teacher asked, eyes on us. "It's... kinda personal"Blake replied hesitant. "It isn't if it made you late to my class"

"Well-" "I punched him by mistake"Blake's eyes widened as he turned to me.The teacher frowned, confused. "Pardon?"

"I punched him by mistake and I felt guilty, so I helped him with the bruise"The teacher stared at me before nodding slightly and continuing the class.


"You didn't have to do that for me, I could have lied"Was the first Blake told me as we walked to lunch.I shrugged "It's ok, I'm good at lying"He smiled at me.

We entered the dining room and I looked around, trying to familiarize with the environment.Blake led us to a table, but speed up once he glanced at someone.I frowned and followed but glanced at the direction he had looked.It was just three boys, laughing pretty loudly.They were from Reece's grade and people seemed to adore them, from the way people around us commented while looking at them.

We sat down and I heard Blake sigh. "What's up?Why are you so nervous?"But before he could respond, a voice was heard.

"Wow!Blakey bitch got a boyfriend!"I saw Blake tense as I turned around, watching as one of the boys I saw walked to us with a grin.The boy was tall, quite fat, but looked confident.He was blond and had green eyes that were inspecting me with a playful look.

"Who the fuck is this kid?"I asked Blake, but it looks like the kid heard because "I'm Tyler, Blakey's personal bully.Want me to be yours too?"I raised my eyebrows at the kid, impressed.

I had never been bullied, nether did I bully.But I did hate it and I met one of my best friends from saving her from people like Tyler.

I absolutely hated bullies.They brought people down, using them like their toys.But they weren't toys, they were humans.And that 'teasings' could turn into real damage that can ruin lifes, and that's not fun.

"I'm fine, thanks.And this is the kid that punched you?How could he, if he's all mass?"I asked that question to Blake, that gasped as a small smirk played on my lips.

Tyler's friends 'oh'd as the blond's face turned red.Hey, look!A human tomato!Tyler walked to us. "What the fuck do you think you're saying kid?"I stood up to face him.

I obviously wasn't going to fight him.First of all, because it was my first day, and that wouldn't be a good start.Second of all, my dad tought me that violence wasn't the answer.He basically told me to do no harm but take no shit.

"Hey, calm down dude.I was just playing around"He glared at me. "I-"

"Hey!Tyler!Don't mess with him, he's Reece's step brother!"Shawn's Canadian accent cut him off, thankfully.

Tyler turned to Shawn and then to me, eyebrows raised.I also heard a few gasps from Blake and Tyler's friends

"More of a reason to do it"He said as a smirk appeared. "Really?Want Bibby to beat your ass again?He will be here any minute"This time Camila talked.I held a laugh.Reece?Fighting this guy?Reece is not even that fit, but I would pay to watch.

"Ok, I'm not doing it.But not because I'm scared.I'll catch you later loser"He glared at me a last time before turning around and walking to his friends. "Whatever you say"I muttered as I sat back down.

I looked at Blake, who was still gaping. "You're Reece's step brother?!"

I nodded, confused.Why such a shocker? "Why didn't you tell me?"I raised an eyebrow. "It wasn't brought up.Plus, I'm not proud of it"

"Well you should.Reece is been the only one that won a fight with Tyler.That's why he's scared, cause now you two are siblings"

"Please don't call me that.I don't like Reece"He raised an eyebrow. "And why would that be?"I sighed. "He isn't nice to me, but I don't know why.He's... cold, you could say"He gave me a small smile.

"Well, suddenly there is a kid living in his house, I don't think he's happy about it.Give him time tho, he'll get used to it"I nodded but frowned a bit.Maybe he's right.Maybe he just needs time to get used to me.

Maybe I do too.


Next chap coming soon:)


𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𒊹︎ Greece ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now