tokyo (twoan)

692 37 4

Based off Tokyo by Sam.Sts

I think I fall in love too fast
Think I get attached too quick
Not sure if I've been in love
Course it's prolly obvious

me? writing something other than pondping and 2moons? shocking

I just miss TOL dude :(


Two had a problem. It wasn't a big problem but a problem none the less. He had no idea how it happened or started, but it was becoming a big issue as of late. This issue being that he had become so dependent on An's touch that going a few simple hours without it was making him anxious. He wanted to hold his hand or hug him or even just stand next to him but this damn editing class wasn't letting him.

And no matter how much of an act he put up around his friends, or even around An, he liked how touchy An was. He liked the fact that An would press gentle, soft kisses to his temple or cheeks before they would have to separate from one another. He liked when An sat at their lunch table and would rest his hand innocently on Two's thigh. He liked being able to rest his head on An's broad shoulders when they had late-night movie marathons.

He liked being dwarfed in An's hugs and liked feeling An's plush lips on his as they shared slow, gentle kisses as the sun went down. He liked the way An would tease him and liked the way they would cuddle and share sleepy stories. And he really really wanted to be doing one of the above right now, but he was stuck in class, and would be for the next hour. He knew An was at one of their apartments because it was a Friday and he didn't have any Friday classes. Two pouted. He wanted to spend the day with An. But his pout quickly turned to a smile when the professor dismissed class early, quickly packing his bag and wishing his friends a rushed goodbye. He could vaguely hear Khai tease him about how quickly he became whipped for An.

And yeah, maybe it was quick. Maybe he did fall a little fast and maybe he did get attached quicker than he usually would, but this was An he was talking about. The one who complimented him. The yin to his yang. It wasn't hard to fall in love with An. And Two would do it all over again. (Besides, he had some dirt on Khai. He'd get him back later.)

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