spoiled (PhaYo)

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"Babe, can you pretty please tie my shoe?"


Pha smiled at Yo from across the lunch table, admiration filling his eyes. Kit scoffed, rolling his own eyes. Kit and Beam shared a look before Beam kicked Pha from under the table.

"You're so whipped, dude," Beam chided, barking out a laugh when Pha had the audacity to look scandalized.

"I am not,"the campus moon insisted, eyebrows furrowed until he looked at his boyfriend again. His facial features softened and he sighed dreamily, absolutely glowing when Yo smiled back at him. Kit faked a gag, shoving Pha's shoulder when the boss cursed at him. Beam sat back and watched it all happen, a mysterious glint in his dark eyes. Ming and Yo got up to go to class, and Yo walked over to Pha, placing a kiss on his cheek. Pha flushed a little bit returned the gesture. Yo began to walk away but looked down and huffed.

"Babe, can you pretty please tie my shoe for me?" Yo asked, his doe eyes widened to make him look even cuter. Ming rolled his eyes but waited, nodding in agreement when Beam placed two fingers on his temple to fake a gun shooting him in the head. 

"Yeah, of course, baby, anything for you," Pha spoke quickly as he leaned down to tie his baby's shoelaces together, smiling widely when Yo kissed his cheek again in thanks. The two freshman left the lunch table and Beam turned to back to the leader of their group.

"Not whipped, huh? Yo is so spoiled because of you." Kit spoke, complaining when Pha swatted his arm. 

"Maybe I am whipped. But it's okay, cause it's Yo."

"You're disgusting, Ai'Pha."

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