crazy monkey (tangmolove)

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soooo my baby milopeska and i talked about this a while ago and i can never seem to ever write more than this soooo

i'mm gunna post it here i hope you all enjoy <3

soulmate au where your soulmate's childhood nickname is on your body


Living in a dorm wasn't Tangmo's most favorite thing in the whole world. He loved people and he loved being able to be surrounded by humans, but he didn't exactly love the idea of being reminded he was single on a daily basis. His three roommates made this hard. Vier was a playboy and had a different girl in his room every night. Tangmo also figured that's why he never saw Good in their dorm since their rooms were right next to each other. He was lucky his own bedroom was on the opposite side of the dorm. Next to Love.

Now he didn't have a problem with Love. Really, he didn't. The younger boy was considerate and kind and helped keep their half of the dorm neat. The issue was that Love was innocent. Too innocent. Like "the only reason I know porn exists is because someone told me about it" kind of innocent. And Tangmo didn't mind that. What he did mind was the people Love thought were his friends coming and trying to taint him.

Tangmo hated watching their predatory gazes as they walked into his bedroom, hated having to watch Good comfort his brother as Love cried, hated having to track those boys down the next day to hurt them like they hurt Love. Well, he didn't have to track them down. But god, breaking their noses felt so satisfying.

He didn't feel obligated to hurt them, but he wanted to. He wanted them to feel the same pain Love felt when he realised all they wanted was sex. Of course, none of that would actually amount to the pain Love felt, but it was a nice start. He considered posting their nudes on the internet but he didn't want to even see the photos so that was a no go. He had no idea why he was so protective over Love since the two of them had just met at the beginning of the school year but Tangmo didn't have time to dwell on. The two of them were friends and that was enough reason for Tangmo to run after the boys who looked so angry that they didn't get to have sex with Love.

The worst part of all of this was the three days after where Love would come back from class and look at Tangmo with this look of exasperation in his eyes before he locked himself in his bedroom. Tangmo knew that Love hated the fact that Tangmo made it his mission to injure anyone who hurt Love, but really, what did Love expect? He was protective, especially when someone close to him got hurt.

They were soulmates after all.

Not that Love knew.

It was kind of a burden to be the only one in a soulmate pair that knew they were soulmates. And really, it wasn't his fault that Love didn't know. Well, it was. But it wasn't with bad intentions. Love was just so pure and soft and naive that Tangmo didn't want to make Love uncomfortable by just blurting out that they were fated to be together.  It was a serious conversation, on that truthfully Tangmo was terrified to have, and it seemed like every time he got the guts to approach Love about it, there was a new boy near him. A new boy who was determined to take away Love's innocence, and Love stared at that boy with so much affection that Tangmo felt like he had no shot.

And logically, yes, he knew that made no sense. He knew it, but there were stories of people who ended up being platonic soulmates for the rest of their lives, one so far into love that they were scared to speak up and the other so oblivious that they never tried to change anything. He didn't want to be one of those. But he also didn't want the possibility of Love seeing him as a bad guy. So he was stuck in a dilemma.

Stuck in this loop of loving Love and watching him get hurt.

And god, he was so tired of it. He was so tired of hearing Love's crying at night. He wanted to wrap him in his arms and kiss the pain away. He wanted Love to know what actual affection felt like. But he couldn't do that.

Not until Love figured out who crazy monkey was.

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