nudes (TewDae) *smuttish*

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"You saved my nudes? How cute." // "Please touch me."

this couple is purely the whole reason why i watched sotus 2 and im not even upset about it


Dae had a few secret sides to him. He was usually pretty cold and closed Of with other people, but Tew knew better than to believe those. Tew knew him better, being his boyfriend and all. One of those sides that Dae liked to keep private was his submissive side.

"You saved my nudes?" Tew smiled, seeing the risqué pictures of his own body as the most recently saved images in Dae's phone. A dark blush over took the other boy's face as his senior teased him. He didn't respond and Tew didn't like that, so with one fluid motion, Dae's shirt was hiked up to his neck and Tew's mouth latched on to his chest, sucking bruises into his skin. Dae's response was a wanton moan, his back arching off the bed, hands clenching the sheets. Tew smiled. "How cute. I asked you a question, I expect an answer."

While Dae was surprisingly submissive, Tew sometimes found it hard to be the dominating figure Dae wanted. He was getting better (he was much better than he was the first time they tried this) but sometimes it still felt a little awkward. Dae really never seemed to mind, however. No matter what Tew said or did, he always got a reaction.

"You asked me to save them," Dae whispered back, voice soft and shy like he was embarrassed to tell the truth behind his actions. Tew smiled brightly, eyes scrunched up to half moons as he looked at his boyfriend before pressing their mouths rogetegr.

"My sweet bunny," he spoke once he separated the kiss. Dae's eyes were full of love and if the racing of his heart was a sign, Tew knew he looked the same. "My sweet, obedient bunny. I'm proud of you."

Dae smiled at the praise, his hands coming up to lock around Tew's neck. Tew connected their mouths again, kissing Dae like it was their last, drinking him in. "You're such a good boy. I think you deserve a reward. What do you want, hm?"

Dae had the nerve to look bashful and Tew wanted to wreck him then and there, take his body and make sure that Dae woke up remembering who he belonged to. But that could wait until after he got a response.

"Please touch me," Dae answered and Tew smiled. He didn't have to wait anymore.

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