wait what? (AePete)

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"Wait, you love me?! People don't even like me!" // "I ran upstairs for you!"


"I don't understand what isn't connecting here, Pete," Ae panted, resting on the ground with his shirt off, letting the ground cool his sweaty skin. He had just sprinted up seven flights of stairs when the other boy announced he had an emergency. He was in a full out panic until he saw what the problem was.

A spider. A tiny spider who was as innocent as Pete feigned to be.

"The fact that you are letting it LIVE, Ae! It's a demon creature and deserves death," the other pouted, plump bottom lip jutting out at the fact that the eight-legged bug was staying alive. Ae sighed, sitting up, grimacing at the suction noises his tanned skin was making as he stood. He gave the smaller boy a pointed look before he grabbed a sheet of paper and put it under the spider, effectively picking it up. That piece of paper was placed outside and Ae turned back, eyebrow quirked.

"Better?" He asked, making his way to the taller boy who was still pouting. Pete huffed, which Ae found too endearing. The soccer player smiled affectionately, patting the soft brown locks that Pete had on his head. "You're lucky I love you, you know. I wouldn't do this for anyone else."

The ambiance in the room seemed to tense when Pete stared into Ae's eyes, his own brown orbs full of confusion. Ae's smile faltered a bit as he grew hesitant. This isn't how he wanted to confess, but his words were out in the air now and there was really no taking him back. He wasn't sure why this happened, he was usually so careful with his words. It was too late to take it back now. 

"Wait, you love me?" Pete asked, his sweet voice shy and soft. Ae felt his heart jump, but he nodded. His hand drifted from Pete's hair to his cheek, thumb rubbing the cheekbone softly. "That's crazy! People don't even like me!

Ae chuckled, casting his gaze to the ground while he laughed. Pete was the cutest person he had ever met. 

"Of course I do. I wouldn't lie to you. Besides, I ran up the stairs for you! I wouldn't do that for a friend," Ae shifted his eyes back up to see Pete staring at him still, his eyes soft but full of amusement. 

"You would do that for anyone but Pond," Pete teased, rolling his eyes playfully. Ae snorted and shook his head.

"No, I would walk up the stairs for everyone else. Pond would have to wait while I rode the elevator," Ae joked, smiling brightly when Pete laughed. The shorter boy brought Pete into a hug and held him tight, flushing a bit when Pete returned the hug just as tight.  

"I love you too, Ae."

"I know, you aren't exactly shy about it."

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