shut up (LBC gang)

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"What are we? The Suicide Squad?" // "We're the Avengers!" // "We're going to die!"

the peeps: ping, pond, bow, pete, ae


the nice one:

the gross one:
??? with what?

the weird one:
lmao no Ping fuk u

the pretty one:
are you okay???

the mean one:
where are you Ping? i'll come get you

the nice one:

the mean one:
i feel oddly offended

the gross one:
i repeat: ???

the nice one:

the weird one:
get rekt

the nice one:

the pretty one:
i'm close to the engineering building, i can just pick you up?

the mean one:
what if she sees you

the pretty one:
she's not a disease???

the gross one:
no but she has the biggest crush on ae and will hop in your car if she feels like you'll take her to him

the mean one:
she got on the bike with pond last week because of that

the nice one:
hmm i feel super safe now

the pretty one:

the mean one:
are you texting while driving??

the pretty one:
no i was walking but now i'm walking in the opposite direction

the weird one:
i guess i'll come help.

the nice one:
i thought we were friends y'all

the pretty:
we are, i was just grabbing some reinforcements by the name of The Soccer Team Plus Tin

the gross one:
what are we? the suicide squad?

the pretty one:
if anything we are the avengers! Ping would be Captain America because he's loyal and dumb, Ae would be hulk because he has anger issues, Bow would be Black Widow because no one wants to get close to her, Pond would be Iron Man because he has the confidence the size of Earth but for no reason and i would be Spider-man because i'm too cute to be anyone else

the weird one:
things he did: that

the gross one:
wow you really just came for me didn't you?

the nice one:
thank you.. i think

the mean one:
can't even disagree

the pretty one:
@ pond you know i love you

the mean one:
nope stop it take it back you can only say that to me and your mother. and nong yim. but only us three

the nice one:
yeah right can we go back to the fact that Chompoo has not left yet

the pretty one:
i'm outside with Tin. he's angry today.

the nice one:
great!! we're going to die!!

the gross one:
finally. i've been waiting.

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