blue to pink (pondping)

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So if you remember my "pongping ideas" this is the soulmate one :)

I wanted some fluff after the last one!


Ping always knew his soulmate was going to be a lot to handle. Sun types always were. They were bright and outgoing, they didn't have filters and they commonly couldn't read signals. But when he found out that the sun marked on his wrist, the one that faded from blue to pink matched his best friend's moon that faded from pink to blue, he understood.

Pond was a mess. He was loud and didn't care about personal boundaries, but Ping couldn't find it in himself to care when Pond draped himself over Ping as they walked to classes. He didn't mind that Pond was clingy and would rather have his hand being held by Pond's than have it hanging by his side. Pond loved kisses and would always have his lips somewhere on Ping's body, whether it be his forehead, his knuckles, his cheeks, his neck or his lips. (He also liked leaving very obvious hickeys on Ping's body but that was a story for another time.) He always laughed at Pond's jokes because even if they weren't always funny, Pond's amusement was enough to make him giggle.

Pond was a flirt, and more often than not, Ping felt himself grow red at what Pong was telling him. It didn't matter where they were, Pond was always flirting. He would whisper dirty things in Pond's ear at the worst times purely to get a reaction out of Ping (and it usually ended with them doing things they shouldn't in a public library bathroom.)

Pond was warm and soft, and even if he was a mess, he was so caring and kind towards Ping it was unreal. He'd buy Ping coffee every Monday before classes and would leave little love notes in Ping's bag. He'd plan sweet little dates for places that Ping liked. He would give Ping his own clothes because he knew that Ping liked the way he small, and he liked smelling Pond's cologne. He would cuddle Ping even if it was sweltering and hot because he knew that sometime Ping doubted himself and that physical touch was the best way for him to recover.

Pond was a mess, but Ping wouldn't have him any other way. He was his sunshine, his personal light in the darkest of days. He was his positivity. He was his joy, and without Pond, Ping wouldn't be who he is today.

Pond was his person. And Ping loved him to death.


should i do one in Pond's pov?

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