family matters (2moons gang)

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"I'm glad I have friends like you." // "We're family." // "What am I, the family dog?"

in honor of the new show (that is actually really good. I was apprehensive at first but I really like it. It focuses on all of the books ((or at least the first two)) and you should check it out. No harm if you don't like it. also Pavel (((forth's actor))) is real hot so that's a plus too)


Yo was petrified, and the scary movie playing in the background was no help. It wasn't that Yo thought he was going to be attacked by a monster the second he opened his eyes, no. It was just that his evil boyfriend and evil best friend were making jokes about the movie that Yo felt dumb for even being scared. It was obvious it was fake, Yo was a science major, he knew this could never happen. But it didn't qualm his fears of the movie. Or his fears of being made fun of that bad acting like this was getting under his skin. 

"Can you guys stop the movie? Yo hasn't opened his eyes in ten minutes, he may be asleep," he heard Kit pipe up and immediately the movie was paused and he peeked an eye open. "Guess not."

"Wasn't asleep. You can finish the movie," Yo forced a smile and hoped that no one heard his quivering voice, but Pha was attentive at the worst times and sometimes, just sometimes, he actually used his brain and was a good boyfriend. 

"You're scared," he spoke, his voice soft and not holding any amusement in it. But Yo was still worried because well, he was Yo and he was always worried that something, no matter how small, would make Pha realize that Yo wasn't worth it so he forced another smile and shook his head. 

"It's okay, I'm fine, really."

"You're a bad liar, Yo," Forth spoke up. He reached out and grabbed the remote from Ming, turning the movie off entirely. "You could have said something earlier."

"I didn't wanna bother anyone," Yo mumbled, flinching with Kit smacked his head. 

"You wouldn't have. It's a dvd, we could watch it anytime. Don't be an idiot," Kit's voice was softer than his words, and Beam just smiled, his dimples automatically lightening the mood. 

"Yeah, you're basically like family now, no need to worry." Yo smiled and nodded, looking back to Pha who was still yet to say anything. Pha just smiled and nodded, quietly interlocking their fingers in a silent way to comfort his younger boyfriend. Yo's smile widened. 

"I'm lucky to have friends like you," he said, his voice not quavering this time. 

"Like Beam said, we're family." Forth smiled at him. 

"Hold on. If we are a family, what am I? Am I the family dog?" Ming asked and suddenly the peaceful aura of the room was shattered. Yo rolled his eyes and Kit went on his head smacking agenda again. Yo's smile didn't leave. 

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