"Well, well, Miss Redwood, was it?" I nodded at his question numbly. It had been two months since the incident, and he remembered my name. That was a red flag.

A giant fucking red flag.

"I'm going to need to see some form of I.D," he rested his hand on the metal frame of my car, just above my shoulder. I slid away from him nervously. "Like an expired Visa, perhaps." I pulled out my I.D from my bag, and my expired Visa, and handed it to him. He didn't even look it over before it was being handed back to me.

"Summer Redwood." He looked me over, pronouncing each facet of my name carefully in his stupid accent. I've always hated my name, but I hated it even more coming from his lips. "Do you know why I pulled you over?"

"What? You didn't-"

"One of your headlights is out." He informed me. I should've just let it go, but I was already angry enough at him. And then he started making false accusations? I wouldn't let him mess around with me... not again.

"First of all, you didn't pull me over, jerk. I was already pulled over. And second of all, both of my headlights are fine." I snapped. To prove my point, I reached inside my car and flicked on my lights. Just as I expected, both headlights flooded the space in front of us. Neither were broken.

"Oooh, feisty. But you see, I'm going to need a second opinion. MARCUS!" Officer Scott chucked his ticket pad at his cop car. It hit the windshield with a thud, but did as was intended and got the attention of his partner. The passenger side door opened and I could vaguely make out a tall figure approaching us in the dark. He wasn't as tall as Officer Scott, but he was more muscular.

"What the hell?" He hissed at Officer Scott. The man was just as young as his partner, too. Although, he wasn't clean shaven and his hair was hidden completely under his hat.

"Just need you to double check that Miss Redwood's headlight is indeed out." The other officer walked to the front of my car.

"Mate, it looks fine." Officer Scott walked away from me for a moment to join his partner at the hood of my car. Before I could stop him, Officer Scott lifted up his boot and sent a forceful kick right through my headlight. I let out a shriek at the loud crashing sound, but covered my mouth quickly.

"How about now?"

The other officer pushed down his sunglasses- it was nighttime, why the hell was he wearing sunglasses?- and looked at my lights speculatively. Had he just seen Officer Scott break my car? Thank god there was another witness so I didn't feel like a crazy person.

"Oh yeah," he mused, "I guess you're right. Her headlight is out." He nodded. He scratched at his stubble for a moment before glancing at me apologetically over his aviator sunglasses. Then, he pushed them back up his nose and wandered back over to his car.

"What the frick?" I demanded, circling around to see the damage.

"Your headlight is out, Miss Redwood. You're going to want to get that fixed." Officer Scott grinned maliciously at me. I let out a shaky sigh and backed away from him drastically.

"Please, just leave me alone." I begged. The gravel crunched under his feet with every step he took towards me. I played his game and mirrored his steps forward with steps back. Of course, my steps were a lot smaller than his large ones because while he had large, lanky legs, I had significantly smaller ones.

"Are you going to make me?" He challenged.

"I-I'll call the Chief of Police." I threatened. He raised his eyebrows at me in amusement. I didn't understand why he found my warning so funny, I was dead serious. I had the Chief of Police of London's number on my fridge and I wasn't afraid to use it.

Officer ScottWhere stories live. Discover now