I sat down in the chair, and waited for the doctor to come back.

Toni's P.O.V

The doctor just left, so now I'm patiently waiting on the bed for him to come back.

Few minutes later he came back with a clipboard and a pen in his hands. "Good morning, how are you two today".

"I'm good" Cheryl responded and they looked at me waiting for a response.
"Um I'm feeling a bit nervous" I said quietly.

"Nervous seems like an understatement" the doctor chuckled. I looked at him in confusion and he just smiled.

"When I walked out there I saw how much your girlfriend I'm guessing was trying to calm you down".

I heard Cheryl laugh slightly then she said "Yeah, I tried my best to keep her calm". He nodded and said "Well it is expected if you're getting such a big surgery like this one".

I nodded my head, glad he knows why I feel this way.

"Okay, so I will ask you a few questions, and then a nurse will come in here to give you your hospital gown, and we will then start with the surgery."

I nodded my head to show him I understood. "Okay good, let's begin" he said, then looked at his clipboard.

T-Toni        D-Doctor

D- What is your name?

T-Antoinette Topaz

D- How old are you?

T-I am 16 years old

D-What is your date of birth?

T-Birthday isss April 23,2000(The year is 2017 in this)

He stopped and I looked up at him, awaiting what's to come next. "Now I'm going to ask a bit about the penis, and then I'll explain what we're going to do and the risks of getting the surgery".

I nodded and felt my leg bouncing up and down. Cheryl stood up and sat down on the bed with me, resting her hand on my leg. "It'll be alright Toni" the Doctor reassured me.

I nodded and he began the second part of questioning. "First, what size would you like for the enlargement part" he asked. I looked at Cheryl and she was smirking slightly.

"Well I think either 8 or 9 would be good" I said nervously, trying to hide the blush of embarrassment on my face.

I heard the doctor chuckle and say "Well that is a big size, but sure, we can do that for you". I nodded and smiled at that.

"Okay so for the fertility part. Is your sperm count low or something that we have to check". I nodded my head and explained to him what was going on.

"My girlfriend and I aren't exactly planning to start the pregnancy process because we're still in college you know?". The doctor nodded in understanding.

"Yeah but um maybe a few times before, we didn't use condoms and I you know...came inside her. But she wasn't even pregnant. I never liked condoms in the first place so we just continued going on without them and Cheryl never got pregnant".

"Have you ever thought that maybe your girlfriend may be infertile".

Cheryl shook her head from beside me and said "I went to my doctor and she told me that I'm 100 percent fertile". 

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