9- Flying with Mother

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Arthur didn't know whether to believe Ygraine's claims. Something about her story was... far fetched. But what if she spoke the truth? That would mean Ygraine really was Arthur's mother, and she was never really dead. She'd been alive all this time, hiding from the murderous iron fist of Uther Pendragon.

The thought that his mother may have been alive all these years lifted Arthur's heart in hope. This could be it. The moment he'd yearned for his entire life.

"What do you think of all this Merlin?" Arthur glanced at Merlin, who was lit up like the sun and beaming from ear to ear.

"Oh for God's sake, stop smiling over your new robes. It's sad really. You're sad." Arthur snapped at Merlin, desperately trying to cover up his chuckles with a scowl of annoyance.

Arthur's taunts wouldn't stop Merlin from grinning over his new position in the royal household. He proudly gushed over his fine new robes, made from thick expensive material. The twilight sky fell from Merlin's shoulders, shimmering and twinkling like stars amongst the deep blue hue. The golden Pendragon crest was carefully embroidered at the chest.

"Just because you're Court Sorcerer now, doesn't mean you can prance around like you own the place."

Merlin was smiling to widely to reply, at loss for words.

"Finally, some peace and quiet. I've been longing for this ever since you set foot in Camelot." Arthur teased, playfully shoving Merlin.

"Thank you Arthur, you have no idea how much this means to me." The sorcerer lowered his head and flashed a small but genuine smile at the King. "Really, thank you."

Kilgarrah would be pleased to know that the destiny that had been foretold since the beginning of time had been fulfilled. Not only was magic now legal in Camelot, but Merlin was Court Sorcerer! And his first move would be to tell Arthur that his mother was in league with Morgana. Great, thought Merlin.

"What do you think," Arthur repeated, now that their brotherly quarrel was over.

"About what, Sire?" Merlin knew exactly what Arthur was asking about, but he was trying to avoid the subject of Ygraine altogether.

"You know, my mother."

"Well, that's- that's a great question Sire. I am thinking-" that I don't want to be having this conversation.

"Spit it out already Merlin." Arthur was smiling playfully, but his blue eyes didn't shine like they usually did when he teased Merlin.

"I don't how to say this Arthur." Merlin took a deep breath, preparing himself for what he was about to say. "Ygraine... is in league with Morgana. I saw her magically contacting her."

Arthur's face fell like a sack of potatoes. "I'm sorry, Arthur." Merlin tried to comfort Arthur, but the King pushed him away. "Don't apologise."

Of course Ygraine was working against him. How could he be so foolish to believe that his mother actually cared about him? If she even was his mother. Probably just an illusion that Morgana had conjured up to hurt Arthur; or even worse, she wasn't an illusion and Arthur's own mother actually hated him.

"This can't be true Merlin. I can't believe this."

"But Sire-"

"Do you even have any proof?" Arthur's voice rose and rose until he was nearly yelling at the warlock.

"No, Sire, but I think-"

"Why are telling me without any evidence! How can I believe you?" Arthur cried at Merlin. "You're probably just jealous that I finally have my mother back, why can't you be happy for me?"

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