20† Wages of Sin is Death

Start from the beginning

Alessandro pulled on her clothes tightly, "No, don't hurt him! Please, I beg of you!" His voice cracked as tears blocked his full vision.

Eden's mouth snapped shut and she looked down to the boy. She knelt back down to him and smiled, despite her bloodied face. She reached out to his tears for a second of actual peace like a mother who longed for a missing child to be found. Not before long, she was under an aerial attack by Sister Paula. Her crescent moon knives glistened as she drove them downwards into Eden. Before she could react fully, Eden's body let a plethora of wings escape her back. The twelve black and red wings escaped and wrapped around her and the Pope's body. Eden pulled the boy into a tight hug, leaving her darkening skin to take over her paleness. A shuddering breath escaped the dangerous woman. It was unsure if it was the fear of the boy being hurt, or the fact that having the young boy in her arms gave a sense of peace to the grieving mother lost deep within. Regardless, bloody tears streamed down Eden's cheeks. The way that she clung to him made it near impossible for anyone to get between them.

Alessandro inspected the black and red skin wrapped around him in a hug, letting his eyes wander to where they came from, "You really are an angel..." Eden's clothing was torn in many more places, especially her back where the wings sprouted out from.

"Just... Shut up kid..." She tried to hold firm, but Eden eventually held her face near the boy's neck, his scent bringing more emotion out of her than she wanted. He smelled pure, the oils on his skin an old ritual that they still held to this day. The smell of sacred sandalwood oil made Eden think of when her father would let her sit on his lap.

Petros caught Paula from the air, stopping her from falling to the ground. He turned his attention to Eden and began to tear his way through Eden's wings in hopes to rescue the Pope. "Don't worry! Your Holiness!"

Before he could get any farther, Abel broke up the space between Eden and Petros, "Leave her alone! She's not trying to kill him! Believe me when I say this, Brother! If she wanted His Holiness dead, then he would be dead already and you wouldn't know about it until you were dead and found the truth." Abel faced the large bulky man, but stood his ground. "Lady Caterina?"

Caterina stepped towards Abel as Francesco stood closer to Paula, "I believe Abel is correct. This woman would have most definitely killed our dear brother by this time already."

The black cloak around Eden's body was shredded apart from her wings, but her outfit beneath was made with open back space that allowed the six sections for her wings to easily move around without ruining her clothes. The wings started to shift, laying down and stretching out from her body occasionally twitching in pain. The blood around on the ground was currently being absorbed into her wounds.

Alessandro watched slightly mortified, but also extremely thankful for her. He reached up to her face as her skin began to fade back to its original paleness. He took his white glove and began wiping off the blood from her face. "The face of an Angel doesn't always get its reputation for being beautiful. In all of my studies, they say that angels are indeed more terrifying than we depict them in paintings. Some of the best things the Lord has to show us never come as we expect. The Word itself says that angels are to be feared. That people cannot look at an angel out of their own fear. I fear you, yes. But I also admire you. Thank you..."

Eden looked up to Abel then over to Petros, "If you plan on trying to hurt me anymore, please remove the boy from watching. It is all I ask."

"You will call him by his Holy regarded name!"

"Brother Petros! Please!" Alessandro's voice squeaked as he clung to Eden protectively, "Please listen to me! She saved my life! That has to stand for something."

"She threatened yours!" He stood ready to strangle Eden at any chance he was given.

Eden held her gaze away as she winced when her wings started to disappear, retreating back into her body. She gave a slight glance to Abel before bowing farther down on her already tucked knees. As if she were a clergy member receiving communion, Eden held out her hands palms up. "Forgive me if I scared you..."

With a saddened yet angry glare, Petros stepped away from Eden, "Sir, if that is your wish. I must comply with His Holiness's wishes."

Paula took a step backwards as well in tune with Petros. The rest of the in service Inquisition showed up and surrounded Eden and Abel. The pope took notice of her skin, his eyes wandering up her palms then to her face. Eden kept herself bowed in front of the Pope, she put up no fight as they began to cuff and chain her up. Abel protested but was held back by Father Havel and Father Tres. The men started to tug at Eden as some helped up Alessandro.

The smile on Eden's face gave Caterina chills. Despite the smile, her eyes were cold and dead. As if nothing else mattered anymore. Caterina saw the same look she once found in Abel's eyes when she first met him before he ever found a spark of life. She stepped forward and placed a hand on Eden's shoulder, "Tell me first, why did you do that?"

The black hair shifted around to reveal a blood smeared face, "Do what? Kill your Cardinal Jacob? He's scum and deserved to die. Gregory had a nasty knack for weaseling himself into places he doesn't belong. Taking a Cardinal's position is quite cute for him."

Caterina pulled her monicole from her pocket, "No, not him. I mean, why did you save my brother? Isn't he against everything you are about? Did you not come to attack our beloved church?"

Eden gave a snicker then looked away after her eye caught Abel's as he tried justifying her killing the Cardinal, "He deserved death."

Abel stammered a bit, "Eden... He's one of the men who-"

"He deserved to die! Those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them. He was going to kill regardless, but he can't do those terrible acts anymore if he's gone from this world... He's just like my father! Deserving worse than death! What I would give in order to see his judgement smite him into submission." Eden winced a bit from the men tugging tightly on her from the small outburst. Her body's muscles started to ache and she wanted to fight back. "There's nobody he would not have killed in order to get to that kid! It is an unacceptable act! Killing or harming a child is all those men know how to do. Now, with them all gone... Tsk... Just take me away! Just..." Her eyes grew soft and sad, "Lock me away... Again. My job here is done. I don't care what happens to me anymore."

"What about Mary?"

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