16† Bloody Mary

Start from the beginning

Eden lifted her head up in a half crooked nod, instantly having Mary fly backwards from Abel's lap and into the bed. The blankets wrapped around Mary's wrists then knotted under the bed itself. Mary made no noise after the initial tug into the air. She closed her eyes and started to breathe as if she were trying to meditate. Eden's skin started to brighten back to her normal paleness as she started walking up to Mary.

Mary looked up to Eden, her eyes almost piercing into Eden's but only to fail. Eden slapped Mary's cheek leaving a loud ring echoing throughout the room. Silence filled the room for several minutes. Eden leaned over the bed catching her breath, but clearly in severe pain.

Abel finally found the strength to stand up, but had only enough to take off the clothing on his torso. He held the bleeding wound to stop the blood from escaping to Eden. "I'm pretty sure that the camera should've alerted anyone to come in if anything bad happened... But it didn't?"

Eden snickered, "Out of everything that just happened... That's what you're worried about? Abel you're such a dip!" Eden looked up as Abel's blood wiggled into Eden's bullet wounds sealing them up as it was being absorbed. "I hacked the camera a while ago so it just showed you sitting in the chair and me still lying down. Nothing would've been alerted at all anyways. Even Mary noticed the camera was buggy."

Abel watched Eden stand up straight only to walk around the bed to lay a palm to his chest wound. After closing her eyes for a second, the wound stopped oozing blood but instead started to form a scar. "I forget you can do that with blood, too..."

Eden sat down on the bed slouching a slight bit and held onto Mary's leg. "What were you doing?"

The two looked to the struggling Mary who tried desperately to wiggle loose. "I was trying to help you! I swear I was!" Mary huffed a bit before relaxing her arms knowing it was no use to try and fight back, she's been caught like a fly to the spider's web.

A small coughing fit broke out from Eden letting Abel reach around and pat his sister's back to help her out. She stood back up holding onto his open shirt trying to move away. "I think I need to throw up again..."

"I'm sure with that bit of extra blood, your body is pushing out the toxins even more..." Abel handed her the trash bin.

She caught it in time to crouch down on her hands and knees starting to cough up thick black flem. Mary felt her restraints loosen enough for her to wiggle out. She rolled off the side of the bed away from the two crusniks and crouched against the wall. Eden's concentration broke enough that she wasn't paying attention to the escapee.

Abel started to fix his clothing when he heard the door creek on the way shut.

They both looked around to the door and realized that Mary had escaped. Abel holstered his gun, starting to run after Mary, while Eden took a second to wipe her mouth clean with a cloth from the table. Eden grabbed her coat to cover the tight black jumpsuit she normally wore. It did her no justice, as the jumpsuit was riddled in all sorts of cuts. She would need to find new clothing soon. After stepping into her boots, she pulled the hood up on her coat and leaped out of the window.

Eden bolted across the yard, her hair flowing behind her through the open hole in her hood causing a black streak to pass unsuspecting visitors. Some people turned to look while others backed out of the way nearly screaming at being startled.

A few men guarding called in the disturbance letting their superiors know what they saw. Eden pushed her way through a crowded doorway of people on a tour coming up to the halls where she first was. She made sure to try and ambush Mary instead of letting her escape.

Mary looked along the halls finding ways with the most people. She wandered into a crowd and took off her veil and sorted out her hair from being a mess and cleaned her bloody eyes with the veil. She stopped and looked around before staying with the group. Some people watched her curiously and some even smiled as they saw her not as a threat in her habit. Mary nodded humbly to them and walked along with the tour group.

Guards came running around the room asking the guides if they saw a woman dressed in all black. Mary smirked a bit realizing she wasn't the one being hunted down, it was Eden instead.

Anybody and everybody with an earpiece heard the call for the woman. With having almost all of the AX priests on site, they each took off in a search for Eden. But the Inquisition also heard of her escape and had their soldiers suit up and start their man hunt as well.

"Shit! This is not good!" Abel raced along the halls, searching every corridor. "How fast is she even?" Abel ran into Leon in the hallway and smiled at their near miss, "Oh, good! You're younger so you can take over chasing the nun right?"

Leon dodged the collision with Abel and glared, "Excuse me? Is your hearing going grandma? This is an urgent hunt for a woman dressed in all black. Not a nun!"

Abel shook his head and patched in to Sister Kate, "She isn't the one needing to be caught. That Sister Mary does! The woman in black is helping me find Mary! They need to call off the hunt for her and look for the Sister! It's more urgent! The woman in black won't hurt anyone right now!"

Only a few minutes passed until Sister Kate relayed the message, but kept the hunt for Eden ongoing. Everyone started to search once again, their goal being: Eden is alive or dead, Mary is alive.

Mary focused the best she could at enhancing her hearing and winced as a bloody tear threatened her vision, but she still listened. She shot a look at the few guards before being noticed. They both headed for her but only walking speed to keep the guests at ease. Mary saw a chance to hide in the crowd by crouching and she took it. She made her way back down to the halls of past Popes' paintings. Mary eyed some of the paintings and kept on running down the hall to a door that leads only to a stairwell. She looked up to the floor above and smiled.

The guards followed as quickly as they could. They made it to the same doorway with the stairs and pushed onward. The two of them started their trek up the stairs. Once they got to the top and entered the door to the next floor, Mary crawled out from the bottom set of stairs. She hid in the corner under the first half landing, from the doorway, she was hidden perfectly. Mary quickly backtracked and went back down the hall of pictures.

Mary found the lost and found room and covered her noticeable habit for a coat. She pulled up her dress as a shirt knowing her black leggings underneath will have to suffice. The coat wrapped around most of her body, but not her face. She used a scarf to wrap around changing the style of her outfit hopefully enough to hide in plain sight. 

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