18. Please

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11:14 am

Meekl: Hey cal we wanted to practice for the new songs, you coming to my place?
Meekl: Please respond quickly
Meekl: pick up your goddamn phone !

8:00 pm

Meekl: stop leaving me on read!
Meekl: where tf are you?!

"Aaww how cute, Michael is such a good friend, isn't he?" Jesse said looking trough Calum's phone.

"So sad that he couldn't make time for you when you needed him.." Jesse said looking at Calum who was looking up at the tall boy with teary big eyes.

"And Luke, he seems to care the least about you" Jesse said grabbing Calum's face.

"What about Ashton? He seemed to tottaly forget about you..." Jesse said to Calum.

It hurted Calum very badly. His words were hurting him. He know he shouldn't believe them, but his mind set was fucking with him right now.

"N-no, Michael just didn't have his car.." Calum said softly.

"Oh poor Calum, you're so innocent.." Jesse said shaking his head. "You really think that Michael meant that? He lied to you so he could be with Luke, he wanted time with his boyfriend for once" Jesse said leaning against the wall.

"N-no, Michael wouldn't think like t-that" Calum said shaking his head, a tear slipping down his cheek.

"Oh but he does think that way sweetheart" Jesse said as he pouted his lip at Calum.

"No worries sweetheart, you have me now" Jesse said smiling down at Calum while brushing his thumb over Calum's lips.

"You don't need those assholes, they're treating you wrong Calum" Jesse said as he lifted up Calum's chin. He started to believe his words..

"That's why you're still so depressed Calum, you give so much to them and they give you the tiniest amount back" Jesse said as he wipped away the tear on Calum's cheek.

"I-.." Calum started.

"I wanna go home" he said almost whispering. He nervously tugged at the sleeves of his hoodie.

Jesse leaned in slowly as he kept a hold of Calum's waist. "This is home" Jesse whispered and a shiver ran down Calum's spine.

His heart started racing. "N-no I-I mean..my h-house" Calum stuttered as he felt Jesse's breath in his neck. It made him nervous.

Jesse chuckled and stroked Calum's hair. "Oh Calum, poor Calum" he ran his hands down to Calum's hips. He didn't like where this was going. Just as Jesse's hands made it's way under Calum's hoodie, Calum kicked him in the balls and pushed him out of the way with all his strength.

Calum began to take off and ran trough the basement. He found the stairs and quickly began to run upwards. He didn't like Jesse that much anymore.

"CALUM!" Jesse yelled trough the basement. Calum could feel his heart beating out of his chest in horror as Jesse ran up the stairs as well.

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