14. Cold coffee

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"We what!" Michael said.

Luke bit his lip, he was nervous. Michael cursed even more when he saw he was completely naked too.

"Fuck! How did we end up here?!" Michael said yelling. "I-I don't know Mikey" Luke said as he watched Michael get up and get dressed.

In fact he has already seen him naked..

"Jesus christ Lucas here!" Michael said as he threw Luke some of his clothes.

"Just..get changed and meet me downstairs so we can talk...it's way too fucking early for this shit" Michael cursed under his breath as he left the room.

Luke felt a little hurt for a moment and a tear slipped down his face. He quickly wipped it away and got out of bed.

He putted on a pair of boxers, black skinny jeans and a black sweater Michael had gave him. Or in his case tossed. Luke sighed before going downstairs.

Michael sat on the other side of the kitchen table, Luke opposite of him.

Michael slowly took a sip of his black coffee as he tried to progress what actually happened last night. He just can't remember it that well.

Luke was sat on the other side, awkwardly tugging at the sleeves of his sweater Michael gave him. He felt uncomfortable to even drink the tea Michael had made for him.

He liked Michael, but he didn't know if Michael liked him back.

He didn't wanted to find out this way. He looked at Michael who had an angry, yet questionable look on his face.

The awkward silence between them made Luke's stomach turn and made him feel unusual. He wanted Michael to say something.

"Michael.." Luke said in the most soft way.

Michael didn't bother reacting or looking Luke in the eye. He was thinking deeply, thinking about what happened.

"Michael..please talk to me" Luke said as his heart started to race.

"...I'm sorry this happened, i don't know how it happened..we probably drank too much and we ju-"

"We had sex!" Michael yelled and stood up. He slammed his fist into the table making Luke flinch.

"We made a huge mistake Luke!" Michael yelled at Luke's face. Luke's eyes were starting to water.

"Mikey I wan-"

"We are best friends and now we're here!" Michael said as he cut Luke off.

"Two best friends who fucked each other because we were fucking drunk!" Michael said not believing his ears.

"Mike I don-"

"Fuck! Shit!" Michael said as he threw his cup of coffee behind Luke against the cupboard. Luke saw this in time and ducked down.

The floor was then covered with coffee and pieces of the shattered mug.

Michael breathed out and sat back down on the chair. He crossed his arms and finnaly looked at Luke.

Michael rolled his eyes when Luke started talking again "I wanted to say that I lo-"

"SHUT UP LUKE! JUST SHUT UP!" Michael spat in Luke's face.

Luke's eyes filled with tears. Luke had to stand up for himself and that's exactly what he did.

"I wanted to say that I love you..but I guess you're just an asshole!" Luke yelled back at Michael.

Michael's eyes widened and he stood up and approached Luke, wanting to hug him.

"Do not touch me!" Luke said as he quickly stood up from the chair and walked a few steps back.

Michael stopped in his tracks. "Luke I-"

"No!" Luke yelled at Michael. This time it was Luke cutting Michael off.

"Stay away from me you monster!"

Luke then ran out the kitchen into Michael's livingroom. He saw his jacket laying over the couch and quickly grabbed it before running out of Michael's house.

He slowly walked into the hallway of Calum's appartment and tossed his keys on a side table by the door.

As he walked into the livingroom he saw that Calum was scattered over the couch with a box of cereal and a blanket.


Was all he could think. He smiled down at the small boy before approching him.

Calum was tossing and turning around in his sleep a lot. He slowly putted his hand on Calum's shoulder, slightly shaking it.

"Calum.." he whispered softly.

He shook him a little harder this time.

"Calum" he repeated. Calum groaned before slowly sitting up. He yawned and stretched his arms out. He now completely opened his eyes and saw the reason he got woken up.

Calum let out a scream but wasn't heard after a hand covered his mouth.

Calum slapped the hand away before re-positing himself.

"You scared the shit out of me Ashton!" Calum spoke as he rubbed his eyes and sighed.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you" Ashton said and bit his lip.

"Man, i gotta put another lock on that door" Calum said as he sat the cereal on the table.

"What are you doing here anyways?" Calum asked, confused onto why Ashton would come to his appartment in the middle of the night.

Ashton sighed before speaking. "I broke up with Aria...we were fighting a lot and well..i didn't think our relationship was healthy anymore" he said almost whispering.

Calum's eyes widened and he threw the blankets off him before flying to Ashton and embracing him in his arms.

"Oh Ashton..you'll be okay" Calum said hugging Ashton thighter. Ashton didn't hug back, his arms just lazily hanging by his sides.

"But, i don't know if i made the right choice.." Ashton said and sighed.

"If it was a toxic relationship and you didn't feel comfortable, then i think it was the right thing to do" Calum said looking up at Ashton. He had never seen the boy this sad before in his life.

"But, we were together so long you know, since high school and i just feel like i did something wrong, it was my fault" Ashton said breathing out.

"Ash, do the things that you think are right, you did that" Calum said softly. "It's always confusing at the beginning and it hurts, but you'll get better" Calum said pulling away from the hug and giving Ashton a smile.

Ashton didn't smile back, Calum got that. Calum knew he was thinking since it was queite for a second.

"Will i?" Ashton said whispering as his voice began to break. Calum saw that his hands were starting to shake and his eyes started to water. His lip started to tremble and it broke Calum's heart too seeing his best friend like this.

Ashton was always the hype man. The happy guy in the band. It felt like Aria sucked all of that happiness and well being out of him. He was always there for everyone and right now Calum wanted to be there for Ashton.

Calum breathed out as he grabbed Ashton's face. "You will..you will be okay" He said softly. A couple of tears were streaming down his face. "Calum.." Ashton said as he looked down at the small boy. "Yes?" Calum responded wiping the tears of off Ashton's cheek.

Ashton felt it in that moment. Instead of words he used a gentle kiss. He kissed Calum in the middle of his appartment...

All that the two heard was the tv playing softly in the background and the rain pouring outside.

Calum said he had to do what he thinks is right and so he did...

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