• Two ~ New Beginnings •

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Two weeks later

Lily's PoV

Today was the day of my final and just so happens to be the same day Lisa has a game with Scotland. She's been trying to call me the last few days to apologize for not being able to come but I've ignore them. I've even ignore Viv's. I just don't want to talk to them.

Dad drove us to the stadium. I didn't know where I was going and granny didn't want us to end up getting lost so he stepped up. Mum's with us too along with Grandad. It's the first time my parents are going to see me play since Lisa sighed for Arsenal two years ago. We're on speaking terms again but it's very limited. They know they've hurt me and have apologized so it's a healing process for all of us right now.

We pulled up at the stadium and I looked at it in awe. "The local radio station was saying how there's going to be recruiters at this game for big clubs from around the country." I looked towards dad as he glanced at me through the rear view mirror with a small smile on his face. I looked back out the window and smiled widely. Once the car was parked I jumped out and grabbed my bag from the back. I hugged granny and grandad and they both wished me luck.

"Win or lose today, we'll always be so proud of you no matter what. Now, go kick some ass." I chuckled and hugged again. I nodded towards my parents before turning towards the stadium and walked towards the entrance. I showed them my pass and I was led to the changing rooms. As we got closer I heard music coming from both changing rooms and I smiled a little. I walked into mine and greeted the girls.

After I changed into my training gear there was a knock on the door and coach walked in with his hand covering his eyes. "Are yous all decent?" A few of the girls chuckled and we replied that we were. He smiled and removed his hand. He looked around at all of us and had a proud dad look on his face.

"To be honest with you, I didn't think we'd end up here six months ago and I want to apologize for that. I'm sorry I didn't believe in some of one when I should've but I'm especially sorry for not believing in yous as a team. Each and every one of you have made me remember why I love this game as much as I do. Yous are an incredible bunch of talented players but most importantly yous are a close knit family that I'm so grateful to be a part of. Yous have achieved so much this season and I couldn't be more proud of yous. You've made history in this club being the first age group to reach a final this big and all the locals are backing each and everyone of you. Now, win or lose today, you must know you've made our town extremely proud of yous. They've been really impressed with yous and even made the journey to watch yous today. Let's bring this cup home for them. Bring it home for your families. More importantly, bring it home for yourselves." His voice cracked towards the end and we all stood up. We all hugged him as a group and stood there for a few seconds before he cleared his throat.

"Okay, now the business side of things. Here's the lineup." We all sat back down at our lockers and listened to him as he spoke tactics. We all listened carefully and held on to every word that he said. "And finally, our captain for today is Lily." I froze at the mention of my name and all the girls stood up and cheered. I looked at coach in confusion as he held out the captains armband to me. "We had a chat during the week after you left training one evening and decided, as a team, that you should be the one to lead us out today. You won us our semifinal and have encouraged the girls throughout the entire season at games and training even if you didn't play." He placed it in my hand and smiled sadly at me.

I zoned out staring at the band as he carried on speaking and it wasn't until I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder that I realized that the girls had gone out to warm up. I turned my head to look at coach as he sat down next to me. "I'm sorry I didn't believe in you as much as I should've but tonight is your game. You do what you think is going to win us this game. I don't know if you heard the news or anything but there are some very important people here tonight but I want you to forget completely about each and every one of them. Think of this game as it's just like every other game of the season. Take it minute by minute. I believe in you. I believe you will bring this cup home." He squeezed my shoulder and stood up and walked to the door. He opened it and nodded towards it.

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