7: Into A Predator's Mouth

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14:00 p.m.
X, South Korea.

"How's everything?" Jaejoong took the last sip of his afternoon coffee while looking at Kai and Baekhyun who were standing in front of him.

"Ready." Kai answered on behalf of both.

Jaejoong nodded in approval. "In the meantime, I have a personal business to attend to. I will be coming back just before the time to greet our guests-to-be." Jaejoong fixed his suit and grabbed his belongings.

"You both stayed here, make sure everything is moving according to the plan. Understood?" He raised an eyebrow, waiting for their answer.

"Yes, sir." They answered frankly.

"Make sure they do it right." He reminded them again before he stormed out of his office.


18:25 p.m.
X, South Korea.

Baekhyun was heading towards your cell. He was asked to fetch you by none other than his stepbrother, didn't have any idea what it was about, especially when their guests would arrive in not more than two hours.

Jaejoong might be having his nonsense psychotic outburst as his voice was like in distress when he spoke to him over the phone call.

"Have a shower and change to these." He ordered after reaching your cell.

You just finished your meal. At the moment, you were staring at the tattooed guy as he tossed a pair of clothes which then landed harshly on the floor.

You barely saw him after that day,- when he first came to give your food. Instead of him, another unfamiliar guy did, that one was much older looking. Every day, he would come around 6 p.m.,- you knew by stealing a glance at his watch. And because of that, you knew another four days had passed.

"10 minutes." He simply uttered before he left to take his ringing phone, leaving you in confusion.

How could you have a shower in 10 freaking minutes? The water in there was running painfully slow! You complained in silent.

Just thinking about it made your feel irritated. Not wasting any seconds more, you jumped from your 'bed' and folded the clothes between your arms. You felt glad that you were able to reach the bathroom even with your leg being cuffed.

You quickly made your legs walking towards the bathroom, avoiding your own curiosity. You didn't even dare to object nor question any of his orders. Besides, you really needed a shower after wearing the same clothes for few days straight.

Before the 10 minutes completed, you were already done.

After a moment of waiting, instead of the tattooed one, another guy came back and went to unlock your cuffed leg. You knew his name, Kai,- you remembered it because his name was unique. You kept looking at him who was doing his deed in silent.

"Why am I being cuffed when the door is locked 24 hours?" Your eyes widened when the question that was supposed to stay in your mind came out of your mouth. You repeatedly asked yourself about where the bravery coming from.

What the hell happened?

'You just spoke your damn thought by accident. Stupid is your middle name now!'

You gulped and mentally smacked yourself in the head. Realizing it was too late, you just stared at him, anticipating any reaction. He was done unlocking the cuff.

"No reason." He answered.


'That's it? Really?'

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