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I arrive as fast as possible to our residence and Jihyo is already ready for our date. Should I mention that she looks pretty okay?

-Jannick: I am back! (pants) I didn't make you wait, right? (smiles)-Jihyo: You didn't

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-Jannick: I am back! (pants) I didn't make you wait, right? (smiles)
-Jihyo: You didn't... (smiles) So, what do you think?
-Jannick: About what? (confused)
-Jihyo: Idiot, when you are in a date you have to tell the girl how pretty is she... (sighs) There's a lot of things to learn...
-Jannick: You are an archangel, how is it that you know about this things?
-Jihyo: (blushes) I-I watched some dramas... I w-wanted to give you a good impression... (looks down)
-Jannick: O-Oh, I-I see... (blushes)
-Jihyo: Why did you stutter? Did I make your heart flutter? (smiles)
-Jannick: I didn't stutter... (avoids eyes contact) Let's start with this already...
-Jihyo: Sure, what are we going to do? (smiles)
-Jannick: We are gonna search for a treasure! (proud)
-Jihyo: A treasure? (laughs) It's impossible to-
-Jannick: Believe me, it's all ready waiting for us... We have to follow some rules and get over some proves... Then, we'll get the treasure! (smiles)
-Jihyo: It's seems to be a game, I'm okay with it, sounds fun! (smiles) Let's go, I really want the treasure now (excited)
-Jannick: Good, let's try finding the first clue... (smiles)

Well, I wonder where did you leave the first clue... Don't go to hard with us Nam, we are not as smart as you... And Jin, I hope you didn't prepare any weird prove...

-Jihyo: I think that there's nothing here, maybe it's outside the residence...
-Jannick: Hmm, it could be...

I open our door and there there's a note with a clue. I found it! Good, this is getting interesting...

-Jannick: There's a note here! (smiles)
-Jihyo: Awesome! Let me read it (smiles) Uhm, it says:

"Feeling already like a prince and a princess? Why don't we travel years ago to the past? Find the best spot for your highness, and there you'll be able to realize the first prove."

-Jannick: I'm already a prince... (smirks)
-Jihyo: This one should be easy then... (smiles) It says the best spot, what's your best spot?
-Jannick: Uhm, I think that my best spot is my palace?
-Jihyo: So, you are a spoiled boy huh? (teasing)
-Jannick: Of course not! I'm not a spoiled guy... I have to go through a lot of things down there, I'm sure you live like a real princess up there... (points to the sky)

-Jihyo: You know what? -Jannick: What? (confused) -Jihyo: You look like an angel right now

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-Jihyo: You know what?
-Jannick: What? (confused)
-Jihyo: You look like an angel right now... (smiles)
-Jannick: Are you insulting me?
-Jihyo: Nope, it's just that you don't look like a bad person from hell... (smiles)
-Jannick: Well, not everyone is a bad person at hell... (looks down) But we have to pretend a lot of times...
-Jihyo: I'm curious...
-Jannick: About what?
-Jihyo: Your life down there, I'm sure that you lived being a playboy with your devils. (teasing)
-Jannick: Not really, I spent the most of time with my dad, he always taught me and trained be to kill God...
-Jihyo: God is not a bad person, you shouldn't kill him before knowing him...
-Jannick: Do you really think that someone like me could go up there like nothing, to meet him and then judge if I should kill him or not?
-Jihyo: Well, that would be the correct action, of course I don't think you are going to do it. (smiles) Well, let's focus on our clue...
-Jannick: Yeah, you distracted me... (laughs)
-Jihyo: It's not my fault! (pouts)
-Jannick: Don't pout, you look ugly... (teasing)
-Jihyo: You are the ugly one~ (pushes him playfully)

What do we have here? They are actually having time together without caring from where do they come... It's amazing!

-God: I told you! Love always wins... (smiles)
-Miguel: They are just searching for a treasure... (rolls his eyes)
-God: No, look carefully. They are getting to know each other... (smiles) If this works, we won't need to fight against him...
-Gabriel: Jihyo looks so happy with him... (smiles)
-Raphael: And also, Jannick's friends are not that bad person, I just caught Jimin and Taehyung helping an old woman, Nam and Jin are helping Jannick while the other two are just resting at their residence...
-God: I already knew that they were good people, it's just Lucifer and his threats...
-Gabriel: What if they end up like together? For sure I mean...
-God: That would be fabulous! (smiles) For now, let's focus to protect their date... I mean, no rain and stuff like that.
-Raphael: We got it sir!

We are still thinking where can this place be, aish Nam, I don't know about all the places here in Seoul... Tsk.

-Jannick: Ugh! How frustrating...
-Jihyo: I already know!
-Jannick: Really?! (smiles)
-Jihyo: Yeah, we should go to the Gyeongbokgung Palace! (smiles)

 -Jihyo: I already know! -Jannick: Really?! (smiles) -Jihyo: Yeah, we should go to the Gyeongbokgung Palace! (smiles)

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-Jannick: I don't know how did you know, but okay let's go! I trust your words... (smirks) But, if you are wrong, I'll punish you...
-Jihyo: What kind of punishment? (afraid)
-Jannick: You'll have to answer to whatever I want... (smiles)
-Jihyo: Deal! But I'll be right tho...
-Jannick: We'll see it... (smirks)

-Time skip until you reach the palace-

-Jannick: Okay, we are here... It's been quite long...
-Jihyo: We are looking for a treasure after all! (smiles)
-Jannick: Yeah, right... Oh, isn't that girl one of your friends?
-Jihyo: Nayeon? What is she doing here? (confused) Can we go to greet her?
-Jannick: Okay, let's go...

We approach the girl who looks like a rabbit and is always really noisy, I'm also curious about what is she doing here...

-Jihyo: Nayeon-unnie! What are you doing here? (smiles)
-Nayeon: I was waiting for you two... (smiles) I can't belive you are seriously dating, when Jin told me I was like "no way, man"
-Jannick: Can you go straight to the point where you tell us why were you waiting for us?
-Jihyo: Keep calm Jannick, she's my friend...
-Nayeon: As rude as always, anyways, I'm the guardian of this prove... (smiles) I'll tell you what to do, and once you succeed, I'll give you the next clue...
-Jannick: Wait, that means that-
-Nayeon: Correct, there are eight proves in total. Each of us are one of the guardians... (smiles)
-Jihyo: Awesome! Woah, Jannick you actually prepared an awesome first date... (smiles)
-Jannick: (blushes) I'm glad that you are enjoying it I guess... Well, can you tell us what's our prove?
-Nayeon: Your prove is...

(A: Hey there, I'm sorry if it's being kind of boring, I'll try to make the upcoming chapters more interestings! Stay stunned for more proves and so! See ya~)

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