chapter 23: part two

Start from the beginning

"Because, I know i'm not perfect." I shrug, avoiding eye contact so I don't melt away in his chocolatey colored eyes.

I wish Liam Payne wasn't so attractive so that I could live my life so much easier.

"I'm not perfect either, though. I mean, I'm pretty close to it," he grins jokingly and I playfully scowl at him. "but i'm nowhere near that. Perfect is boring, and boring is certainly something that you, Jo, are not."

"Well thanks," I say, finally giving up to steal a quick glance at him.

Why is he smiling at me like that? I wonder if when Liam was little, he had some kind of grinning disorder. And why are is teeth that beautiful? Wow, just looking at his features makes me feel even more like some homeless person who just came from a midnight snack in the dumpsters.

Then I remember that I actually look somewhat appealing today, and it makes me feel an ounce better.

Dang it, he's right. I do kind of downgrade myself.

"Do me a favor and not look at me like that?" I say, almost laughing.

"Like what?" he smiles wider.

"Like the strange and slightly sexual winking face you kept sending me."

He winks, "Oh, so this one?"

I cover my face, forgetting about my makeup for a second. "Yes, that one!"

He laughs for a good few seconds before I join him in laughter. We both throw our heads back hysterically, me laughing from his laugh and him laughing at me i'm sure.

"You're a pain," I sigh, wiping my tears. No doubt that this stupid mascara is already smeared, but I don't care.

"Yes, I am. It runs in the family," he smiles, shrugging.

I point, "Not as in your last name, you idiot."

"Darn," he pouts.

Sighing, it's actually quiet for a minute, which isn't awkward- surprisingly- at all.

"So, Jo, are there any hidden talents you have that I should know of?" Liam asks, facing me with his hands rested on his knees. His kneecaps are literally against mine now, and I can feel his jean-fabric on my bare legs.

I ignore it though, I don't mind that much.

"Well, if being lazy counts, then yes."

He rolls his eyes, "No, i'm highly afraid it doesn't. Any real talents?"

"I find that offensive," I wrinkle my nose at him playfully. "And I can burp my ABC's although i'm almost positive you wouldn't want to know or witness that.."

He crosses his arms and leans back against the edge of the boat smiling, "Go on, show me then. I don't mind."

I narrow my eyes at him and awkwardly past my chest. "Okay, here it goes."


"I'm pretty sure that letter L was the quiet loudest burp! Is it because you fancy me?" Liam laughs, wiggling his thick eyebrows.

"It was not!" I only answer one of his questions. Thankfully, he doesn't bug me about it.

"It definitely was!"

"Whatever," I laugh, rolling my eyes. "You wish. Now what's your hidden talent? Grinning and winking at people to show off your perfectly aligned teeth?"

"Ah," he gasps in fake shock. "So you admit that my teeth are perfect?"

I scoff in response.

"And besides," he adds. "I only grin and wink at you, babe." Liam winks again to match his words and I pretend to barf.

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