chapter 4

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"You didn't make him quit yet?" Daisy pinches her eyebrows together and stands on the opposite side of me as Laura sits on my bed.

"This guy's harder than you might think," I say because it's true and he won't quit for anything.

"That's what she said," Laura laughs like the immature big head she is.

"Very mature, Laura," Daisy rolls her green eyes.

"What?" Laura innocently smiles, "at least tell us if he's cute,"

They both look at me.

Curse Liam's menacing good looks, and if it weren't for them, this job would be much easier for me to complete.

"Maybe," I say.

"Would you bang him?" Laura asks, and my eyes go wide.

"What the- no!" I exclaim. Why must my friends be so crazily corrupted. Or mostly just Laura.

Daisy and I both know she watches all those MTV shows even though her mom has blocked them off her tv after she found out what she watches. Some how Laura still manages to watch those crappy shows on the internet so this would be the result of that.

Or it could be much easier to tell you that Laura has always been like this, but I prefer the first reason because it makes me feel less embarrassed.

"Ew Laura, that's basically rape. How old is he, like 30? And why would your mom even hire a guy to train you, why not a girl? It would only make sense," Daisy rambles but I only catch the last part of her ridiculous speech.

"I dunno, never thought of that," I shrug.

"Where is this Coach guy anyways? I need to see if he's hot," Laura fans herself with her hand but we both know even if she tried anything with him, she wouldn't get anywhere.

Lets just say every guy she has ever been with, dumped her the next day because she had always been the one to confess her love for them too soon. I guess she just scared them off. I wonder if she's been taking advice from Taylor Swift since she's such a pro at it.

"He'll be back tomorrow," I gripe out loud but secretly I can't wait.

Crap did I say that I can't wait? I can, yes I can wait a decade if I have to. Or I can wait until my hair turns old and grey and my skin gets wrinklier than skin when I finish washing dishes. Yeah, that sounds nice.

Who am I kidding? I can't wait.

"And so will we," Laura smiles.

"No we won't, you're going to the dentist appointment with me remember? You can't bail," Daisy says with her hands on her big hips.

"Can't we reschedule?" Laura groans.

"No! I need to get braces, and you said you'd help pick out the colors!"

"Ugh, fine,"

"Back to Liam," I recap, "any ideas to make him quit?"

"His name's Liam? God, that sounds hot already," Laura moans and I make a disgusted face.

I have crazy friends, please don't tell me twice.

"I wonder what he looks like," Daisy says.

"Guys!" I groan, "focus!"

"Oh right," Daisy and Laura say in unison.

"What about setting up a trap?" Daisy suggests.

"A trap?" My eyebrows go up, clearly intrigued.

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