chapter 14

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My eyes shoot open and I realize that my cheek is lying on a bare chest.

How in the mother of jesus did I end up here?!

"What the heck!" I jerk up, which makes Liam wake up instantly.

He wipes his eyes, "What is it?"

"You tell me!" I exclaim, backing up from him, my back hitting the wall.

The last thing I remember falling asleep to was the sound of him singing to me in the middle of the night, which didn't sound that bad if you ask me. But we're talking about Liam here!

Lets pretend it sounded awful.

"Why are you shirtless?! Did we-?" I have no choice but to ask because you never know what might have happened since I was so sleepy.

Remind me why I didn't bust him in the action of talking about me to his friend!

I am not his girlfriend!

Liam laughs, which sounds a little husky and dry from just waking up but at the same time it sounds cute so I hate it.

"No, we didn't. Nothing happened," he clarifies.

"You still didn't answer why the crap your shirt is off!" I point to the bare chest my head had been resting on just minutes ago.

It was comfortable but who cares because I could have been raped!

"And why my head was on your chest," I add.

Liam chuckles, "I just like to cuddle, okay?"

That's cute. What? No! No, it's not.

"No. Not okay!" I roll my eyes. "What don't you get about keeping your side of the bed?"

He holds his hands up in surrender, "Okay, okay. My mistake,"

I huff and rest my cheek on my hand.

"You're cute when you're mad," he tells me as he looks at me, almost studying me.

Well news flash Liam; this cutie is about to get real angry.

Okay, not so much but you know it sounded great in my head.

"When are you leaving?" I groan, climbing over his legs to get off the bed. I hope the only thing that is off of his body is his shirt. I would be madder than the hatter if he was nude and in my bed.

Plus, i'd have to burn the sheets.

Liam shifts so that he's laying on his side and staring at me. Whatever you do Jolissa, do not look into his gorgeous chocolatey colored eyes.

I never failed so quickly.

"When do you want me to leave?" he asks, his palm holding up his head.


"Then i'll leave later."

"I hate you."

"You don't," he grins and sits up, which makes me look away because of his bare torso.

I keep my head turned while he laughs and puts his shirt back on.

"Hey you never told me that wish you had," I bring up from last night. After all, it sounded interesting and unless it was about saving the Star Wars galaxy from some evil creature trying to destruct it, i'm sure i'd want to hear it.

"What wish?"

"The one you told me about last night?"

"Oh that wish," he grins like an idiot.

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