197. Originality Is Cliché Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

His eyes glance in my direction but I'm not sure if he sees me since I'm in a dark-ish area. I guess he does, since he's walking over to me. When he stops in front of me, staring down at my sitting figure, I would never have guessed what words would fall from his lips.

"Hey, new neighbor. I know you probably don't know my name but you smiled at me the other day and you seem pretty nice so can you please help me and kill the giant spider in my kitchen! I will gift you with food." He says quickly with a British accent.

"Wait..what?" I ask, confused.

He runs his hands through his messy blonde hair, "Spider. Kill. Reward. Food." He says, gesturing his hands with every word. I'm kind of speechless at this point but I nod at him and he leads the way.

Normally I wouldn't do something like this but curiosity got the best of me. I just hope I don't end up like the cat..

Walking over his threshold, I round the corner and into his kitchen. He stands in the doorway of the room, not stepping in. He points over to a cup that's on the counter. "It's under there..." He says, rubbing the back of his neck.

I try to not laugh because I don't want to make him feel bad. To be honest, he's a cute guy and the fact that he's scared of spiders is normal. A lot of people are but I'm not.

Grabbing a hardback cookbook off the top of the fridge, I position myself to lift the cup. With one final glance at the boy, I instead decide that I don't want to kill the spider. So I quickly slide the cup from the counter and onto the book, carrying it outside.

"Hey, what are you doing?" He asks, leaning his body away from me as he follows.

I sigh, taking the cup to the edge of my yard and kneel by a bush. "I didn't want to kill it... I think it'll leave you alone now." I say, lifting the cup and sliding the small spider onto the leaves.

Standing back up, I hand him his book and cup. He takes them but his eyes continue to look at my face. "What's your name?" He asks.

"Y/n. What about you?" I return.

He smiles at me, "That's a nice name. I'm Newt. Oh, and uh, thanks for the spider." He says, and I smile in return. He clears his throat, "So....Food?"

I laugh, "You don't have to, Newt. I'm just happy that I could save that spider from your kitchen." I say. He just smiles at me, inviting me once more. Finally giving in, I walk beside him as we head back into his place.

Newt pulls out a chair for me to sit on while he lists off food options. Not being super hungry, we decide to just order a pizza since that's what I would have done anyway if I hadn't been over here.

After he places the order and hangs up the phone, he awkwardly stands near the fridge. Unless this is all a trick, he doesn't seem like a bad boy. Not yet, anyway. "So...." I say, drawing out the word.

"So...." He echoes, crossing his arms.

I bite at my lip, feeling self conscious. "I'm sorry. I'm really bad at communicating with, well, everyone." I admit. He puffs out his cheeks, deflating them as he exhales.

"Good. I'm glad I'm not the only one, love." He says, smiling. I feel my face grow warm at the nickname but I don't think he even registers that he said it. When he asks if I'm okay, I just nod.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2019 ⏰

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