Chapter 22

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I wake up, breaking out of Jamie's grip I brush my teeth and shower. And I began getting ready for work.

I got to work and seeing Deja not there made me sad. I knew she must've been sick due to her pregnancy. Her morning sickness was the worst. And being around the nail stuff made her sick, so she was on pto. I greeted the other girls and began work as normal.

Jamie: I love you, have a good day at work today bestfriend. 😘
Me: I love you too. ❤️
Jamie:can I have lunch with you today?
Me: Yessss, I want chipotle!!!
Jamie:alr, like 1pm

I smile looking at the text I received from Jamie.

It was about 12:45 when Jamie arrived. Because we did this pretty often he knew straight where to go.
After I finished my last client for today I was ready to eat with Jamie at about 1:20.

"Sorry I had you waiting." I say closing my office door.

"You cool." He says looking up from his phone then putting it in his pocket.

I sit in his lap, We say grace then began to eat, And talk about our day.

There was a knock on the door it was one of my New girls Nicole

"Jaz there's a fine man wanting to talk to you." She says barging into my office.

I scrunch my face up "Okay, send him back here." I say confused

She leaves and Jamie looks at me and shrugs his shoulders.

I laugh "You're no help."

The door opens and its Jason. I look at him in shock because I hadn't seen or spoke to him in years.

"Uhm I wanted to talk to you." He says

I nod my head and get up from Jamie's lap.

"Come this way." I say leading the way to the back door.

He follows and we walk to his car in silence.

*Play Song*
Sitting in his car we stare deeply into each other's eyes
He breaks down crying. His face was red.

"I'm sorry Jaz." He says sobbing and putting his head in his hands.
"I'm so sorry! I hurt you, I don't know what I was thinking. I'm sorry. please Jaz'lyn."

"It's okay Jason. I forgive you." I say hugging him

"Thank you."

We sat in silence, embracing each other.

"I love you Jason."

"I love you too Jaz."

*Stop Song*

I get out his car and wipe my tears and began walking back into my shop.

"What's wrong mama's?? Did he fuck with you? What did he say?"

"I'm okay, I think me and Jason are gonna work on getting back together." I say sniffling looking at Jamie sitting beside him.

He nodded his head. "Don't get hurt again Jaz'lyn." He says kissing my forehead

"Jamie." I say as he walks out

He ignored me and walked out my office and I was confused. I'm not sure if I want to get back with Jason, we were so toxic together.

I cleaned my office then finished my last client.

I drive home just thinking about Jason and Emani. I love them both. He will always be my first love. I arrive home and I received a text from Jason.

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