Chapter 18

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8 months later

It was 6am and Jason still wasn't home. This has been going on for the past 8 months. He would come in either late at night or early in the morning, shower and get in the bed beside me. I was becoming depressed because I was stuck. I was so unhappy in this relationship. A hour later I heard the alarm beep "garage door" I knew he was home. I pretended like I was sleep. He came home and got in the shower. After his shower he laid beside me wrapping his arms around me

"Have fun?" I ask

"Mhm." He says

I get up to use the bathroom. I turn on the shower and sit in there fetal position and cried my eyes out. The only reason I was staying was for Emani. Her birthmother wouldn't keep her. So I wouldn't dare leave her. But I was hurting. I didn't even wanna be around Jason anymore. He really brought me all the way up here to Atlanta to cheat on me. I busied myself with work and Emani these past few months. I constantly asked Jason if he was cheating on me but he denied every single time. He says he still loves me and I still love him but it was slowly fading away. I got dressed and went to the living room to watch tv.

"You act like we don't got a tv in our room."

I ignored him and went into the kitchen grabbing some yogurt and granola sitting down at the island

"Gimme kiss."  He says as he leaned in for a kiss

I moved my head. "I'm not in the mood right now."

"You should always be in the mood to kiss me."

I kissed him and went back into the living room to watch tv. He went up stairs then came back down dressed.

"Alright I gotta run, I'll be back." He says kissing my cheek

"What?" I say with my face scrunched up "you just got here."

"I know, I'll be back."

I nod my head and continued to watch tv and eat. After taking care of Emani. It was almost 3pm and I decided to take Mani to Tammy's because I needed to talk to Jason. After waiting hours and Jason still hadn't arrived. I decided to take a nap. When I woke up Jason still hadn't arrived, which made me angrier. Out of anger I packed all his clothes and everything that was his, and placed it by the door. I was done and fed up. I was in the kitchen drinking wine when he arrived.

"Baby what you doing in here?" He asks

"Who is she?" I ask taking a sip of my wine


"The girl you've been with these past couple months?

He shakes his head "I don't have time for this."

"Nah Who is she?"  I say getting up standing in front of him

"Move Jaz"

"No who tf is she?" I say hitting him in the chest

He pushed me against the island and pulled my leggings down and began pulling his pants down. As he entered me and kissed my neck from behind

"Ohh I missed you." He says into my ear

I moan as He went harder and faster.

After a few more minutes he was about to cum.

"Fuckkk" He said as he released "I love you."

I couldn't even build myself to say it back.

I pulled my leggings up and went to my room to shower.  After showering I got dressed and laid in my bed. Jason soon came in after showering in the other bathroom.

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