Chapter 1

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I do not own any of the pictures in this book!!

Now that I have graduated highschool I dont have nothing to do with myself. I think hard and long about adult life. Some say it's hard,some say it's not. I guess it depends on what you wanna do in life.

"Kayla bring your ass on". I forgot to mention that my name is Kayla,you will find out more about me later but right now since my mom is rushing me.

We are going on a cruise to the Bahamas,im so excited. I grabbed my luggage and went downstairs. "I'm ready." "Took you long enough." We grabbed everybody's bag and put it in the suv.

I put my headphones in and I took a quick nap. When i woke up we was pulling into the parking garage to leave our car. We got all of our stuff out of the car and headed towards the cruise ship.

Once we learned about the boat safety we finally boarded after what felt like hours. We all got our individual room keys and headed to our room.

Im so glad we have separate rooms because I can not deal with being the same room as my brother

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Im so glad we have separate rooms because I can not deal with being the same room as my brother. I unpacked my things and i went to the deck where everyone else was.

As soon i walked by I seen this stud. I tried not to stare but i couldn't help it. Before i knew it,she was walking over to me. "Is there something on my face because you were staring mighty hard?" She said. "Oh nah,i was actually looking past you." I lied but i couldn't let her know i was staring,thats embarassing. "Yea sure,my name is Makayla,what's yours? "No way, my name is Kayla." "I guess our moms were thinking alike,look I am about to head up to my room,i will meet you later so we can check out the Jacuzzi.?" "Yea what time?" "In about 10 minutes." "Ok I got you.

Lord help me,that girl is fine. I walked back upstairs to my room to change into my swimming trunks. I waited for about 10 minutes before i walked back to the deck.

 I waited for about 10 minutes before i walked back to the deck

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I looked for Makayla and i spotted her at the bar. I went over to her and I noticed that she was drinking a martini. How old is this girl? "How old are you?" "19." "And you're drinking a martini?" "This is the second time i have been on this ship,long as you're 18 or older they let you drink." "This is my first time ever on a cruise ship so i don't know anything." "Do you want something?"
"Uhh sure." "What do you want?" " a henny shot." "You trying to get fucked up." "Just a little bit." She called the bartender over and ordered my drink. The bartender handed the shot over to makayla then she gave it to me and I drunk it immediately. "Something tells me you are a pro at taking shots." "Something like that."

We talked for a good 10 minutes til we decided to get into the Jacuzzi. We weren't the only ones in there of course but it wasnt overly crowded."so who are you here with?" she asked. "My mom and brother,what about you?" "My parents and my little brother and sister." "Are you sharing a room with anyone?" I asked her. "Nahh,my brother and sister sharing with my mom and dad,im assuming you have a room to yourself." "Most definitely,I love my space."

We talked in the Jacuzzi for a good minute until my brother came over bothering me. "Who is this?" "Makayla meet my older brother Jaxon,Jaxon meet Makayla." They shook hands and he sat at the edge of the Jacuzzi talking to us. "So,im guessing you are the same age as my sister." "Yes." "Ok cool,im about to fuck on some females so i am going to talk to you all later."

"Give me your number so I can text you." How, we are in the water." "I have good photographic memory." "Ok,teen titans,but its 876-576-8799." "Ight,I will see you at dinner time im guessing." "Yes you will."

We both got out of the jacuzzi and i grabbed my towel and went to change. I decided to change into my dinner clothes since dinner start in 15 minutes.

I took a shower and got dressed.i sprayed a little water on my hair and fluffed it out and i was good to go. I took one last look in the mirror and walked to my brother's room.

"Open up nigga." He opened the door and I seen that he was half dressed. "Nigga put a shirt on." I said as i plopped on his bed. "I am,i was in the process of getting ready and who told you to show up unannounced,I could have been fucking." "First off,eww second of all,nigga you know you are not getting no pussy so don't even do that." "Speaking of fucking,i thought you would be wrapped up in ole girl's strap." "Haha very funny and it's the other way around." "Eww." He checked himsekf out in the mirror and we walked out the door.

"  He checked himsekf out in the mirror and we walked out the door

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We walked to the dinner part of the ship and i seen my mom

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We walked to the dinner part of the ship and i seen my mom. She was sitting with some female though so i sat beside my brother. "Yolanda this are my kids,Kayla and Jaxon". My mom introduced us to the lady and i must say,she was good looking for a 40 year old.

We talked and talked while eating. I ordered a steak with some fries. Once i was finished eating i texted makayla to see if she wanted to hang out at the bar. She texted back yes so i excused myself from the dinner table and i met up with Makayla.

"Can i have two rounds of henny shots?" I ordered our drinks and we drunk those. Makayla was being a bitch but i took my shot like a g. We took two more shots and the next thing i know, we both ended up wobbling around the ship.

"Im about to go back to my room to avoid going overboard,you can come if you want to." She shook her head no so i walked to my room by myself.

It's crazy how you can meet a person and as soon as you see them you grow to like them,or is it lust?

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