Chapter 20: Makeup and the King's letter

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Last chapter! I've finally reached it. Let's roll.


(3rd POV)

Q shivered as he recalled the fight with him, Fox and Umbrella. He kept seeing those the spirits. He's seen one for Jade, Cree and then there was Umbrella...

Unlike the other two, the last one noticed them. at first he didn't pay attention but when FOX NOTICED, he started freaking out.


Umbrella showed no mercy, shooting every soldier down without hesitation. even if the bullet didn't hit a vital organ, the intensity of the radiation(which used to injure Umbrella) deterioted their fragile bodies into dust.

Fox had a field day bashing skulls and dicing guards to pieces with his 'Q' blade. Despite the crazy difference in the ratio with them and the enemy, the two males wiped everyone out without within a half hour. 

"hell yeah!" Fox punched the air.

Q  shifted back into his human form and stretches his arms. Then he glanced over at the others, then froze over seeing Fox gaping. Q followed his gaze and saw it too. 

A slight taller black bigger figure, with glowing golden eyes... he held what looked to be a mix of a sword and a gun... what's even worse was that his cold eyes turned to them. 

He was aware of them being there. 

He was real!!!

Umbrella didn't see this, but they would never forget this.

Q especially as he had been seeing this since his first fight and his coma.

Who were these people.. and what were their connections with everyone?


Benjamin sighed looking down at his flowers, y/n loves these things. Cree had helped him a great deal after meeting (y/n) and suspecting her to be his wife. After all that happened, he got to spend time with his lover again after she died long ago.

He sighed and turned to the door before him, then opened it up. (Y/n) laid there in the white bed, her (s/c) floating in the wind from the open window. "honey..." she turned towards me... My little darling looked exuahsted, she spent the last few days recovering after that day.

Benjamin and Penge spent the better half of hour putting (y/n) back together after Josiah sliced her down the middle with his sword. With his magic and Penge's regenerative ability, she lived... unfortunately, she wouldn't be able to walk until her spine heals properly. 

This would take years. 

But she was grateful to be alive. He could see that.

"good morning." her voice soft and filled with love. Benjamin put the flowers in the vase and hugged her slightly, careful of her injuries. "I never thought I would survive." she smiled, "I'm so sorry I dragged you into this because of my wish."


"yes, I had unknowingly met a witch and helped her with luggage. She granted me a wish. Which was to stay with you." The male red stickman turned his head away to hide the bright red blush that actually stood out on his face. "it's nothing... really..."

Then he remembered, "I wanted you give you this," he held out a small black box, opening it showed a gorgeous amethyst stone ring on a silver band. He watched as her eyes grew wide.

Benjamin x Reincarnation? wife! readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя