Chapter 7: Insomnia and swords

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((Y/N) POV)


"I'm sorry for dragging you into this... but your wish gave me no choice." I frowned at the lady in front of me, "what?"

"Young lady, do you not remember how you..?"

"I..." then it clicked. I looked down at my chest... Was that scar always there?

"Please be careful with the life you have now. I cannot bring you back a next time." She turned and walked away slowly fading into darkness, "I will keep watch for your safety as muh as I can..."

Soon after she left, I saw it... I saw myself meeting her...

She's the "witch" that I helped that day. She was so nice and kind hearted. I believe her name was... Maria.  I never thought that label was real.

She truly was a witch?

As soon as she left I saw my life before I left Benjamin...

Then reality hit me.

I sat up, sweat dripping down my forehead... fear eating at my brain... it's been so long since I last thought of that time...

I got up and headed over to the bathroom, maybe a shower would solve this... and a cup of milk, and a few more days worth of rest.


Nothing helped... the lingering thought that I would die, in the very, terrified me... enough that I couldn't sleep a wink. Maria knew what was going on... she knew that I was followed to this time. She was aware that we were being hunted down like animals...

They wanted to kill us... they wanted to kill me...

I even tried drawing... but all I could draw was that sword... nothing but that damn sword. I hated it.


After another day of intense work (and Benjamin popping by every now and again) I fell my bed and sighed, so tired... I've been using my magic to boost me through the days but my brain was pretty tired.

I glared at the clock, 10:30pm... what the fuck, I need this sleep... I turned to my side... Benjamin was there and snoring.

I growled and for a second, I teared up... I hate this. I hate them, I hate my lack of sleep, I hate these memories... I hate everything. I found myself whimpering silently, I don't need to wake Benjamin up with my sobbing.

He needs he sleep.


I froze, he was awake? its 3:48am, he should be asleep still... I can't stop myself from crying. I need to answer him. "I a-am fine." my voice cracked, I was caught. I felt him shuffling and flinched when two arms wrapped around my frame. I turned slightly to see him frowning,

"What is wrong?"

"I... I am scared dear, I'm scared of dying. I want to stay with you like before," my breathing increased and fear started eating at my throat, I tensed up and shook. Benjamin bear hugged me, "my love the clan will protect you. You will be safe here with us."

He doesn't understand me. I don't want him to die either. I can just tell. With due time I'll be hunted down and killed. I turned around and buried my face into his chest.

I loved the feeling of this... his warmth was something I truly missed... I pulled away from him and sprinted to the bathroom and locked myself in.

Maybe if I distance it from him enough, he wouldn't feel bad about losing me...

I don't want to meet him again.

I can't meet him...

I don't want to see him...

Anyone but him...

Anybody but Josiah.

I gasped as the door opened and he walked in and found me, a big pile of depression in the corner of his bathroom. He sighed sat down next to me.

That morning he tried to get me out of the bathroom so he could bathe... but he ended up going to Cree's because I wouldn't move.

He was still uncomfortable with me in some ways.


(The castle)

The sorcerer watched as a crack in space opened and morphed into a swirling vortex of various colours. The guards awed in amazement. The sorcerer to them.

"This portal will carry you directly to an open field in the future," they nodded, "however, if you die there, there is no revives." The head asked as his men lined up to enter the vortex.

"And why is that?"

"Time will continue."

"I see," he turned and ordered his men to go in, "is there anything else that I should know before we leave?"

"... there is a friend on the other side, he will teach you everything you need to know there."

He turned to the portal... he sighed and entered the vortex. His figure disappeared, mixed in the varying colours. The vortex then twisted itself and faded away, never to be seen again...

The sorcerer turned and left the room, heading up the stairs towards the king's chambers.

'It's about time I made things right.'



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